Many of our intentions die after we have put their harness on

Many of our intentions die after we have put their harness on
Henry S. Haskins, a renowned American writer and philosopher, once said, "Many of our intentions die after we have put their harness on." This profound statement speaks to the common human experience of setting goals or making plans, only to see them fall by the wayside once the initial excitement wears off. Haskins' words remind us of the importance of staying committed to our intentions and not letting them be derailed by distractions or obstacles.In today's fast-paced world, it is easy to get caught up in the busyness of everyday life and lose sight of our goals. We may start off with the best of intentions, but as time goes on, we find ourselves making excuses or procrastinating, until eventually, our goals become nothing more than a distant memory. Haskins' words serve as a wake-up call to all of us who have let our intentions slip through our fingers.
One of the reasons why our intentions often die after we have put their harness on is because we lack the discipline and perseverance to see them through. It is easy to get discouraged when faced with setbacks or challenges, and many of us give up at the first sign of difficulty. However, Haskins reminds us that true success comes from staying the course and not letting obstacles deter us from our goals.
Another reason why our intentions may die is because we lose sight of why we set them in the first place. We may have been motivated by a desire for self-improvement or personal growth, but as time goes on, we forget the reasons behind our intentions and lose interest. Haskins' words urge us to reconnect with our original motivations and reignite the passion that drove us to set our goals in the first place.