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Many People Quotes

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I know many people have said it before, but there is nothing a cup of coffee and a new pair of shoes can’t fix!  (Many People Quotes) Whatever one considers art to be, there is in many people a hunger to express themselves creatively and to feel authentic in doing that  (Many People Quotes) My father had a very simple view of life: you don’t get anything for nothing. Everything has to be earned, through work, persistence and honesty. My father also had a deep charm, the gift of winning our trust. He was the kind of man with whom many people dream of spending an evening  (Many People Quotes) People are looking for something new at the end of the day, and I think when people can do something new and unique to get people’s attention, that’s what is needed. There’s so many people that follow the trend, and then it gets to a point where it gets a little stale. So, in music, I mean, whoever’s the new trendsetter, that’s who people follow  (Many People Quotes) Being able to travel and see the world really makes me appreciate the blessings in my life. There are so many people that will never get a chance to see some of the things that I’ve seen during my travels. I’ll never take that for granted  (Many People Quotes) It made me have a much greater understanding of loss, of loneliness, and the level of intense tragedy that so many people have experienced in this world, I take a lot less for granted  (Many People Quotes) Keep in mind that to avoid loneliness, many people need both a social circle and an intimate attachment. Having just one of two may still leave you feeling lonely  (Many People Quotes) Why is it that so many people start to value money so much that they trade in most of the hours and years of their life in order to get it?  (Many People Quotes) It is very important that you should choose the person you will marry and stay with that person. There are many people now who believe in serial love, loving one person after another. I don’t think that is good for our mental health. I think we should get it over with. Love is like measles, you know. You only get it once in your lifetime and you are immune forever. I am very happy to say that is what happened to me. I am completely immune to any temptation. All men who have passed my life after I got married might as well have been sticks of furniture  (Many People Quotes) I am not afraid of death threats, but I am appalled that so many people are capable of so much wrong spelling and fractured grammar!  (Many People Quotes) Really, handknitting is a dreamy activity, built into many people’s thumbs and fingers by genes already there, itching to display their skills and achievement possibilities  (Many People Quotes) Be the kind of person others admire, can count on, trust, and enjoy spending time with. After you have developed that reputation, people will start to ask you what you do and you will be amazed at how many people will want to work with you. You will attract others based on your character  (Many People Quotes) The wonder is not that so many people have sick or battered souls, but that they think they have souls at all  (Many People Quotes) People tell me this is obvious. But it’s ok to be obvious. Knowing and doing are different. Many people know many obvious things they completely fail to do, despite their knowledge  (Many People Quotes) There are only four or five real events that we have that draw that many people into town each year. We should have at least 12; and once we have 12, we can have 24  (Many People Quotes) When you have too many people and you’re trying to satisfy everybody’s input, you usually end up with something so incredibly generic that it has no point of view  (Many People Quotes) One of the things that is interesting about reading conspiracy theory is that much of what folks think is conspiracy is really many people acting in concert to make or protect their money  (Many People Quotes) I still dream about everything I achieved. I dream about my career, dream about playing baseball, meeting so many people, traveling so much  (Many People Quotes) Yes, being educated is definitely an advantage. But having said that, I’ve met so many people in life who haven’t done very well at school but who are still really bright  (Many People Quotes) Many people you think are individual achievers in fact have either a strong spousal partner over many years or a business partner who’s either in the background, not given enough publicity or less egocentric  (Many People Quotes) Fashion is such an octopus. You’re connected to so many people: suppliers, pattern makers, production teams, marketing teams, vendors  (Many People Quotes) I don’t like the way people cherish the ghetto, as if it’s some royal palace, or kingdom. I also don’t like the way people treat each other in the ghetto. It is really hard to find love, trust, and respect. You don’t find too many people that want to do better for themselves in the ghetto because so many people seem to be satisfied with where they’re at  (Many People Quotes) I think that many people are ashamed when they feel afraid. There’s this thing in our society that you’re not allowed to feel scared. You have to be a man and put on a brave face, but we all have fears  (Many People Quotes) Getting to communicate with many people through our shows was just great in itself and I felt a lot of energy. I think I learned what love is through our concert  (Many People Quotes) Many people thought that riding for a new team and racing on a brand new bike would be a lot to overcome  (Many People Quotes) I think it can be fun to write about relationships just because so many people can relate to what you are feeling  (Many People Quotes) If you are going to do kaizen continuouslyyou’ve got to assume that things are a mess. Too many people just assume that things are all right the way they are. Aren’t you guys convinced that the way you’re doing things is the right way? That’s no way to get anything done. Kaizen is about changing the way things are. If you assume that things are all right the way they are, you can’t do kaizen. So change something!  (Many People Quotes) My father has been a voice of encouragement in times of desperation for so many people. But he died when I was so young that, for me, his music has been a way for me to get to know him better  (Many People Quotes) Trance is a very emotional and uplifting form of dance music. It appeals to many people in this way having such a strong connection with emotions. It makes people happy and ready to party  (Many People Quotes) So many people are so busy being busy that they don’t spend time on the foundation of their life  (Many People Quotes)
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