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Many People Quotes

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The indifference, callousness and contempt that so many people exhibit toward animals is evil first because it results in great suffering in animals, and second because it results in an incalculably great impoverishment of the human spirit. All education should be directed toward the refinement of the individual’s sensibilities in relation not only to one’s fellow humans everywhere, but to all things whatsoever  (Many People Quotes) I think the hardest thing about my life is that I’ve met so many people all over the world who I love, but they’re not friends with each other  (Many People Quotes) My husband is a musician. He cooks and he’s a chef but he also, he makes basement recordings. So many people in my life make basement recordings, so I feel very lucky, I’m surrounded by very creative people  (Many People Quotes) I’ve actually suffered from allergies my entire life. My mom had allergies, so I was aware of what an issue they can be. Many people allow their allergies to affect their lives. As a mom with two kids and two jobs, I just can’t let allergies slow me down. It’s a day to day thing that can really be remedied by finding the right medication  (Many People Quotes) You have no idea of how many people have control of your life. Make lists of people you trust and love and constantly examine the people in your life  (Many People Quotes) If are in a situation with too many people in your life and you want to go into higher attention, look in the mirror. You are being blocked. Do something about it. It might be hard  (Many People Quotes) Spend time alone in areas of low population density, where you can feel the stillness. Go out into the desert or up into the mountains or to the ocean where there aren’t too many people  (Many People Quotes) I’ve always been happy just to be working. It doesn’t really matter for me how many people are familiar with my name or my picture, or whatever  (Many People Quotes) Given a choice between their worldview and the facts, it’s always interesting how many people toss the facts  (Many People Quotes) The unemployment rate has effectively not gone down from where it was at the peak of the recession. The only reason it’s gone technically from 10 percent to 8 percent is so many people are discouraged and have quit work  (Many People Quotes) It doesnt hurt to repeat here the statement, still rejected by many people in spite of its obviousness, that education is a political act  (Many People Quotes) Not many people are willing to give failure a second opportunity. They fail once and it is all over. The bitter pill of failure is often more than most people can handle. If you are willing to accept failure and learn from it, if you are willing to consider failure as a blessing in disguise and bounce back, you have got the essential of harnessing one of the most powerful success forces  (Many People Quotes) Most people would not want to live where there are no churches but many people live as though there were no churches  (Many People Quotes) I hear many people talk about their longing for a balanced life. What I think they are really expressing is a desire for a life with less pressure  (Many People Quotes) Whenever I go out, so many people who respect me ask me what to do in a certain situation. A lot of times, I didn’t know the answers because sometimes I was going through the same sort of thing. But then later on, I would think of things that people told me  (Many People Quotes) It is hard to think of practical applications of the black hole. Because practical applications are so remote, many people assume we should not be interested. But this quest to understand the world is what defines us as human beings  (Many People Quotes) While other kids were out playing and doing healthy things, I read an ancient judo book with a neck hold that was fatal to so many people, they finally dropped it from judo  (Many People Quotes) All who are not lunatics are agreed about certain things. That it is better to be alive than dead, better to be adequately fed than starved, better to be free than a slave. Many people desire those things only for themselves and their friends; they are quite content that their enemies should suffer. These people can only be refuted by science: Humankind has become so much one family that we cannot ensure our own prosperity except by ensuring that of everyone else. If you wish to be happy yourself, you must resign yourself to seeing others also happy  (Many People Quotes) It seems to me that our problem has a lot less to do with the mechanics of solar power than the politics of human power-specifically whether there can be a shift in who wields it, a shift away from corporations and toward communities, which in turn depends on whether or not the great many people who are getting a rotten deal under our current system can build a determined and diverse enough social force to change the balance of power  (Many People Quotes) I don’t see how you can grow as a world without being able to get along with people. So many people is hating out there and it’s not making a difference  (Many People Quotes) If it’s nice out, I swim pretty much every day for about half an hour. I have a great pool; it’s very private and not too many people use it  (Many People Quotes) Far too many people spend a lifetime headed in the wrong direction. They go not only from the cradle to the cubicle, but then to the casket, without uncovering their greatest talents and potential  (Many People Quotes) I would never say I was an icon, but so many people have said I am, so I suppose I am. I mean, I can’t not be what everyone says I am. But I don’t feel like an icon  (Many People Quotes) I am like a drop of water on a rock. After drip, drip, dripping in the same place, I begin to leave a mark, and I leave my mark in many people’s hearts  (Many People Quotes) I always tell people, anger is like liquid. It’s fluid, it’s like water. You put it in a container and it takes the shape of that container. So many people you see in prison, unleashing war on their people, they are angry, and they take their anger and put it into a violent container  (Many People Quotes) I wanted to be heard myself, which is hard in a household of people who were very showy. It forced me to find myself and define a personality and a way of being different, and that’s a thing that’s going to help me to survive in a world of many people playing the guitar  (Many People Quotes) Many people strive for personal freedom throughout their adult lives, and never attain it. First, they become imprisoned a good portion of their lives by their jobs. Then, after they leave the work force, they become imprisoned by retirement  (Many People Quotes) I observe many people who say they are meditating, but I sure don’t see them meditating. They sit and touch a lot of people, places and things psychically, but they sure don’t meditate  (Many People Quotes) Many people excuse themselves by claiming that they don’t have to do work anymore because they are beyond it. They are simply afraid of getting their hands dirty. Getting your hands dirty washes your being  (Many People Quotes) A movie script more than anything else is a plan of action for the crew. Everybody in the crew looks at the script to see what they’re going to do. It has to contain where you are, and how many people are there, and what they do, and what time of day it is, and what time of year it is  (Many People Quotes)
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