March Quotes

Text Quotes
It is often asserted that woman owes all the advantages of the position she occupies to-day to Christianity, but the facts of history show that the Christian Church has done nothing specifically for woman’s elevation. In the general march of civilization, she has necessarily reaped the advantage of man’s higher development, but we must not claim for Christianity all that has been achieved by science, discovery and invention (March Quotes)
How many women do we know who were continually kissed by Clark Gable, William Powell, Cary Grant, Spencer Tracy and Fredric March? Only one: Myrna Loy (March Quotes)
We blacks had problems in the 60s and we solved them by marching. We’ve still got problems - let’s march (March Quotes)
It’s a big deal about whether or not gays can march in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade and I have to say that on some level I kind of see their point. Because when you think about it, it is a real macho heterosexual event. Bunch of guys in short skirts on a cart made of rose pedals sharing a bag pipe. That’s not for sissies (March Quotes)
America cannot do most of what needs to be done alone. You need friends. And we have good friends around the world. We have friends with whom we share values in Europe and Asia - thanks to the forward march of democracy - in Latin America, in Africa, and increasingly in the Middle East (March Quotes)
Turkey, with its political intolerance, as I have described it, is prepared to march forward, to break with its taboo about the Armenians, and is making great strides with respect to human rights and freedom of speech so that it can join the European Union. This alone shows how powerful the European idea is (March Quotes)
So when the book came out, my mother stunned us all by leaving my father. I think three months before the book came out, she left my father the day he retired from the Marine Corps. They had a parade and march, and she came home and left (March Quotes)
I was so exhausted after fighting for the project for five years, shooting it was like the Bataan Death March. (March Quotes)
When Janie looked out of her door she saw the drifting mists gathered in the west -- that cloud field of the sky -- to arm themselves with thunders and march forth against the world. Louder and higher and lower and wider the sound and motion spread, mounting, sinking, darking. (March Quotes)
I think there are a lot of rules for women. We have a lot of expectations and a lot of rules for women. So we’re expected to march in a straight line, and when we don’t, all hell breaks loose. (March Quotes)
At its best, American music is the soundtrack of our long - and often painful - march toward a more perfect union. (March Quotes)
I grew up on a farm, so there were rifles around. Every March around springtime, there’s a big hunt that goes on, and you go out and hunt down all the pheasants. I actually never shot the pheasants; I’m not a big fan of killing animals myself. (March Quotes)
We’ve got to recognize that when we march into Iraq, we’re setting up the card tables in front of every university in the Arab world, the Islamic world, to recruit for al-Qaida. (March Quotes)
I firmly believed we should not march into Baghdad ...To occupy Iraq would instantly shatter our coalition, turning the whole Arab world against us and make a broken tyrant, into a latter-day Arab hero. (March Quotes)
We are all busy. It’s easy to find excuses for not reaching out to others, but I imagine they will sound as hollow to our Heavenly Father as the elementary school boy who gave his teacher a note asking that he be excused from school March 30th through the 34th. (March Quotes)
On March 12, 2004, acting attorney general James B. Comey and the Justice Department’s top leadership reached the brink of resignation over electronic surveillance orders that they believed to be illegal. (March Quotes)
Higher education must lead the march back to the fundamentals of human relationships, to the old discovery that is ever new, that man does not live by bread alone. (March Quotes)
To those who are trained in science, creationism seems a bad dream, a sudden coming back to life of a nightmare, a renewed march of an Army of the Night risen to challenge free thought and enlightenment. (March Quotes)
I think you should defend to the death their right to march, and then go down and meet them with baseball bats. (On the KKK) (March Quotes)
When Steny Hoyer brings up a resolution to support and recognize the University of Maryland men’s basketball team - I’m not making this up - before we even had March madness, then you just know that it’s just political favoritism. (March Quotes)
Whoso does not see that genuine life is a battle and a march has poorly read his origin and his destiny. (March Quotes)
But only that soul can be my friend which I encounter on the line of my own march, that soul to which I do not decline, and which does not decline me, but, native of the same celestial latitude, repeats in its own all my experience. (March Quotes)
May God be with you and the Devil be crushed underfoot as you march for Peace on the skulls of our enemies, for goodwill, security, and a quality of life that comes only with Democracy (March Quotes)
A beautiful city is Richmond, seated on the hills that overlook the James River. The dwellings have a pleasant appearance, often standing by themselves in the midst of gardens. In front of several, I saw large magnolias, their dark, glazed leaves glittering in the March sunshine. (March Quotes)
It should be remembered that men of courage, integrity, and principle can stand up to Big Brother and resist the headlong march into economic tyranny. (March Quotes)
If Dr. King marched today, would Bill Gates march? I know Obama would, but would Hillary take part? (March Quotes)
Set we forward; let A Roman and a British ensign wave Friendly together. So through Lud’s town march, And in the temple of the great Jupiter Our peace we’ll ratify, seal it with feasts. Set on there! Never was a war did cease, Ere bloody hands were washed, with such a peace. (March Quotes)
The brave men die in war. It takes great luck or judgment not to be killed. Once, at least, the head has to bow and the knee has to bend to danger. The soldiers who march back under the triumphal arches are death’s deserters. (March Quotes)
Someone who wanted to challenge Orthodoxy would not be able to locate a building to hold a protest march in front of. The faith is too diffused. (March Quotes)
Is this, Miriam wonders, what they call the march of history? And even if she doesn’t fully understand, it doesn’t mean she can’t appreciate the need, the periodic need for some people to resort to gasoline, rags, and matches. Doesn’t it always come to this? Isn’t history as much about tearing things down as it is about building things up? (March Quotes)