Marco Rubio Quotes

Text Quotes
We must educate and train our children to compete and succeed in the 21st century. Our kids are not going to grow up to compete with children in Alabama or Mississippi. They’re going to grow up to compete with kids in India, and China, all over the world; children who are learning to compete and succeed in the 21st century themselves. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
In America you have the right to worship any way you choose. That’s why virtually every faith and every denomination on Earth has a presence in our land. You have a right to not believe in God at all. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
Minimum wage laws have never worked in terms of having the middle class attain more prosperity (Marco Rubio Quotes)
Every generation in America has faced the same question, do we we want America to be special? Or do we just want America to be another country? The time has come again. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
You know who a complicated tax code kills? The guy or gal trying to start a business out of the spare bedroom of their home. So we’ve got to simplify our tax code. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
Donald Trump is not going to be the nominee, because we are not going to allow - people will wake up and we’re not going to allow a con artist to take over the party of [Abraham] Lincoln and [Ronald] Reagan. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
Conservatism has always been about reforming government and solving problems, and that’s why the conservative movement should lead on immigration reform. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
It’s easier to sell cotton candy than it is to sell broccoli to somebody, but the broccoli is better for you, and the same thing with a limited government. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
I believe God has blessed our country. This country has been extraordinarily blessed. And we have honored that blessing. And that’s why God has continued to bless us. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
My Dad used to tell us: ‘En este pais, ustedes van a poder lograr todas las cosas que nosotros no pudimos’ ‘In this country, you will be able to accomplish all the things we never could.’ (Marco Rubio Quotes)
If my house was on fire, I can’t compromise about which part of the house I’m going to save. You save the whole house or it will all burn down. We either save this country or we do not. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
Our national motto is ‘In God we Trust,’ reminding us that faith in our Creator is the most important American value of all. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
There’s a great documentary on Tupac called ‘Resurrection’ about the last few years of Tupac’s life and how he transformed. And, ironically, how this East Coast rapper became this West Coast icon, back when all that Death Row/Sean Combs stuff was going on. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
I think that the government of [Nicolas] Maduro has argued to stage a coup in Venezuela, that this is obviously a coup against the country’s democratic institutions. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
Around the world, America’s influence has declined while president Barack Obama has destroyed our military, our allies no longer trust us, and our adversaries no longer respect us. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
The poverty found in rural areas has some characteristics that are very different from the poverty found in inner cities. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
Presidents don’t have the benefit of hindsight. You have to make difficult decisions based on the information that’s before you at that moment. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
Our brave men and women have made many sacrifices in just wars to defeat the forces of evil. We have exported our greatest values: freedom and opportunity, which have lifted millions out of poverty. At home, these values allow Americans to use their God-given potential and make their dreams reality. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
With unemployment still abysmally high, the Obama economy is crushing Hispanics’ dreams for their children to live a better life. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
The American Dream is a term that is often used but also often misunderstood. It isn’t really about becoming rich or famous. It is about things much simpler and more fundamental than that. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
Unlike any other leader in modern American history, we are led today by a president that has decided to pit Americans against each other. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
The loans I took out for my undergraduate degree were manageable. But my legal education was more expensive, and I paid for it almost entirely through public and private loans. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
The key to a vibrant middle class is an abundance of jobs that pay enough so that workers can provide for themselves and their families, enjoy leisure time, save for retirement and pay for their children’s education so they can grow up and earn even more than their parents. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
From tea parties to the election in Massachusetts, we are witnessing the single greatest political pushback in American history. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
Ronald Reagan’s era can be defined, number one in most people’s minds, by the Cold War and by the end of it - and by the strong principles he stood for. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
For most of history, almost everyone was poor. Power and wealth belonged to only a few. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
After a migratory crisis on the border with minors coming over that you’re seeing start up again now, after all these executive orders the President has issued. More than ever we need to prove to people that illegal immigration is under control. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
There is one way, only one way to solve it, and that is through legislation. It cannot be through an unconstitutional executive order that violates the Constitution. That is, it doesn’t matter here what you think about immigration: here you cannot violate the nation’s Constitution, period. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
Regulation is necessary to protect our natural environment, keep our food and medicine safe, and ensure fair competition and fair treatment of our workers. (Marco Rubio Quotes)
There has never been a moment when faith hasn’t been an important part of my life. There have been moments when I’ve been more alive in my faith than others. There have been times when I’ve been more involved in my faith, dedicating more to it, and giving it more importance. (Marco Rubio Quotes)