Margaret Atwood Quotes

Text Quotes
Where do you draw the line, between love and greed? We never did know, we always wanted more. We want to take it all in, for one last time, we want to eat the world with our eyes (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
I could end this with a moral, as if this were a fable about animals, though no fables are really about animals (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
I planned my death carefully, unlike my life, which meandered along from one thing to another, despite my feeble attempts to control it (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
I am not a saint or a cripple, I am not a wound; now I will see whether I am a coward (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
A home filled with nothing but yourself. It’s heavy, that lightness. It’s crushing, that emptiness (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
All observations of life are harsh, because life is. I lament that fact, but I cannot change it (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
If you want what’s in the package you should at least know how to get the string off, is what I say (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
Time folds you in its arms and gives you one last kiss, and then it flattens you out and folds you up and tucks you away until it’s time for you to become someone else’s past time, and then time folds again (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
Despite their cool poses they wear their cravings on the outside, like the suckers on a squid. They want it all (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
I did not know how to paint or even what to paint, but I knew I had to begin (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
Stick a shovel into the ground almost anywhere and some horrible thing or other will come to light. Good for trade, we thrive on bones; without them there’d be no stories (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
Most mothers worry when their daughters reach adolescence but I was the opposite. I relaxed, I sighed with relief. Little girls are cute and small only to adults. To one another they are not cute. They are life sized (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
We battled in secret, undeclared, and after a while I no longer fought back because I never won. The only defense was flight, invisibility (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
The reason they invented coffins, to lock the dead in, preserve them, they put makeup on them; they didn’t want them spreading or changing into anything else. The stone with the name and date was on them to weight them down (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
They will not let you have peace, they don’t want you to have anything they don’t have themselves (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
It isn’t running away they’re afraid of. We wouldn’t get far. It’s those other escapes, the ones you can open in yourself, given a cutting edge (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
Fatigue is here, in my body, in my legs and eyes. That is what gets you in the end. Faith is only a word, embroidered (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
The objects I chose were designed to hold something, but I didn’t fill them up. They remained empty. They were little symbolic shrines to thirst (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
I lie on the floor, washed by nothing and hanging on. I cry at night. I am afraid of hearing voices, or a voice. I have come to the edge, of the land. I could get pushed over (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
This is how the girl who couldn’t speak and the man who couldn’t see fell in love (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
Touch comes before sight, before speech. It is the first language and the last, and it always tells the truth (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
I see that there will be no end to imperfection, or to doing things the wrong way. Even if you grow up, no matter how hard you scrub, whatever you do, there will always be some other stain or spot on your face or stupid act, somebody frowning (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
She knows the rituals, she knows how we’re supposed to be behaving... But I think these things are impenetrable and fraudulent, and I can’t do them without feeling I’m acting (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
Good writing takes place at intersections, at what you might call knots, at places where the society is snarled or knotted up (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
For the children with their greedy little mouths represent the future, which like time itself will devour all now alive (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
Why does the mind do such things? Turn on us, rend us, dig the claws in. If you get hungry enough, they say, you start eating your own heart. Maybe it’s much the same (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
At the very least we want a witness. We can’t stand the idea of our own voices falling silent finally, like a radio running down (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
Ah men, why do you want all this attention? I can write poems for myself, make love to a doorknob if absolutely necessary. What do you have to offer me I can’t find otherwise except humiliation? Which I no longer need (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
What we share may be a lot like a traffic accident but we get one another. We are survivors of each other. We have been shark to one another, but also lifeboat. That counts for something (Margaret Atwood Quotes)
People cry at weddings for the same reason they cry at happy endings: because they so desperately want to believe in something they know is not credible (Margaret Atwood Quotes)