Margaret Cho Quotes

Text Quotes
My former bullies pay extra to come backstage and meet me after shows, and I pretend not to know them in front of their friends. It is the most divine pleasure to exact the revenge of the brutalized child that resides within (Margaret Cho Quotes)
I am into belly dancing. I used to only hang with comics. Now I have friends who are dancers, and my whole house has a harem feel (Margaret Cho Quotes)
I think the best way to get over your body issues is to just flaunt your body at every opportunity (Margaret Cho Quotes)
I thought I was so ugly for so long, and I wasted so much of my life on this dumb notion (Margaret Cho Quotes)
I’m lucky that I have good genetics. Like you said, it just gets better as I get older (Margaret Cho Quotes)
I punished myself and avoided my reflection in mirrors and any windows. I would see myself reflected back, and I would look away, trying to pretend I didn’t exist, because I hated myself so much (Margaret Cho Quotes)
I think it is really sad that when people lose their homes they kind of lose their minds too (Margaret Cho Quotes)
I think that all bodies are beautiful in millions of different ways but I get down on myself too! (Margaret Cho Quotes)
People are really terrified of me. I don’t know why, I’m very nice, but people are very intimidated by me (Margaret Cho Quotes)
The newest victims of the nation’s foreclosure crisis are pets, which is extremely distressing to me (Margaret Cho Quotes)
The stuff I do and say onstage I can do easily. As a performer, that comes easily. But being social offstage, it’s not easy for me (Margaret Cho Quotes)
When you feel powerful, you are willing to stand up for your rights, you are willing to stand up for what you believe in, you’re more willing to stand up and be counted (Margaret Cho Quotes)
I always felt like an outsider growing up. In school, I felt like I never fit in. But it didn’t help when my mother, instead of buying me glue for school projects, would tell me to just use rice (Margaret Cho Quotes)
I mean, what’s great about touring is that’s what you do. You’re in a constant state of motion and then you stop to do a show and you move onto the next city. All you have to do is do the show. That’s the only responsibility that you have (Margaret Cho Quotes)
Korean children get a lot of fuss made over them, I guess because life was tough in the old country, and it was a big deal if you survived. There’s a big party thrown when you are 100 days old, followed by another when you make it to one whole year (Margaret Cho Quotes)
When it comes to children, my mom doesn’t believe in borders. She loves all children, and that’s a good example of mothering the world. I need to do that, but before I can, I need to get over my fear of kids in the first place (Margaret Cho Quotes)
If you are a woman, if you are a person of colour, if you are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, if you are a person of size, if you are person of intelligence, if you are a person of integrity, then you are considered a minority in this world (Margaret Cho Quotes)
I think that failure is just as important as success. In a way, failure is a kind of success if you can look at it in the right way, if you can accept it and enjoy it in the right way (Margaret Cho Quotes)
Silence equals nonexistence. If I don’t raise my voice, it’s like I never existed (Margaret Cho Quotes)
It’s hard to find peace with your thighs, but when they chafe, try to be grateful for them. Your thighs let you run and get you where you want to go. I have not just thigh peace but thigh happiness, and it begins with thigh gratitude (Margaret Cho Quotes)
I don’t think I’m gay. I don’t think I’m straight. I think I’m just slutty. Where’s my parade? (Margaret Cho Quotes)
I think it is time for all babies to let us know who they want for president (Margaret Cho Quotes)
My history in show business spans over a quarter of a century, and I have seen many people in the industry struggle with coming out, only to find much more success after they finally did (Margaret Cho Quotes)
I do love the road, because for me, the road is very comfortable, and it’s very much what I’ve always wanted to do. It’s one of the most appealing things about comedy for me, so I do really have an affection for it (Margaret Cho Quotes)
My parents never really had that much money, so I kind of live in the same world that they do (Margaret Cho Quotes)
I am so beautiful, sometimes people weep when they see me. And it has nothing to do with what I look like really, it is just that I gave myself the power to say that I am beautiful, and if I could do that, maybe there is hope for them too. And the great divide between the beautiful and the ugly will cease to be. Because we are all what we choose (Margaret Cho Quotes)
No matter what these terrorists do, I refuse to be terrorized. All this requires is just a few alterations in our day to day lives. For example, my first instinct when I receive an envelope full of white powder... is to snort it! I just won’t do that this time! (Margaret Cho Quotes)
One place that I really feel comfortable is being a comedienne. I’m very socially inept. There’s so many things that I can not do in life, and this is, like, the one thing that I have mastery over. It’s my world. And anybody who’s coming to the show, it’s like they’re coming because they know that this is my world (Margaret Cho Quotes)
I love tattooed women, maybe because they are uncontrollable, they are themselves to the point of drawing symbols of their power on their skin. Talk about owning your own body, being in your body, claiming yourself. I love it. When the world is in an uproar over whether women should have a choice or not when it comes to their own bodies, being tattooed is one of the most visible choices of all (Margaret Cho Quotes)
I don’t have children, and I am not sure if I have wanted them or never wanted them. It’s weird not to be able to decide. I don’t know if I could stand that kind of commitment, or if I am really honest, I don’t think that I could handle being that vulnerable to someone else (Margaret Cho Quotes)