Margaret Thatcher Quotes

Text Quotes
The price of freedom is still, and always will be, eternal vigilance (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
The government has no money of its own. It’s all your money (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
Consensus is the absence of leadership (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
Hope is no basis for a defense policy (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
I have the money and they won’t get their hands on it (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
There’s no such thing as society (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
First you win the argument, then you win the vote (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
This is what we believe (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
Economics are the method; the object is to change the heart and soul (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
There really is no alternative (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
Oh, but you know, you do not achieve anything without trouble, ever (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
The cocks may crow, but it’s the hen that lays the egg (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
Socialism lays an bad egg by killing the capitalism that lays the golden eggs (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
I’m either the witch or Lady Macbeth of English politics, but someone gotta wear the pants in England when others wearing kilts (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
President Numeiri of Sudan is said to have remarked of Gadaffi that he was ‘a man with a split personality - both of them evil’ (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
Those who imagine that a politician would make a better figurehead than a hereditary monarch might perhaps make the acquaintance of more politicians (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
We were told our campaign wasn’t sufficiently slick. We regard that as a compliment (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
The application of collective guilt, running from one generation to another, is a dangerous doctrine which would leave few modern nations unscathed (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
One of the people that I respect the most now, a person I think has done a heck of a lot for this world as a leader, is Margaret Thatcher. She helped create a world that offers us a lot of excitement as we look to the next century (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
At one end of the spectrum are the terrorist gangs within our borders, and the terrorist states which finance and arm them. At the other are the hard left operating inside our system, conspiring to use union power and the apparatus of local government to break, defy and subvert the law (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
A world without nuclear weapons may be a dream but you cannot base a sure defence on dreams. Without far greater trust and confidence between East and West than exists at present, a world without nuclear weapons would be less stable and more dangerous for all of us (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
Successful entrepreneurship is ultimately a matter of flair. But there is also a fund of practical knowledge to be acquired and, of course, the right legal and financial framework has to be provided for productive enterprise to develop (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
Do you know what Margaret Thatcher did in her first Budget? Introduced VAT on yachts! It somewhat ruined my retirement (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
On December 22, 1986, finding I was body positive, I set myself a target: I would disclose my secret and survive Margaret Thatcher. I did. Now I have set my sights on the millennium and a world where we are all equal (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
Remember how Margaret Thatcher came to believe that abroad was more important than at home? Didn’t do her much good (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
Watching the Commons tribute to Margaret Thatcher was like being suffocated inside a gigantic sticky toffee pudding, but one with nasty bogeys planted inside. There was much of the ‘Margaret Thatcher who was lucky enough to know me,’ especially from her own side of the House (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
The BBC sports department when I was there was seriously to the right of Ghengis Khan, and if people think I am strange, they should have met some of the production staff I worked with. Margaret Thatcher and the Queen were the pin up girls for many of them (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
Margaret Thatcher was a 20th century visionary who understood the power of individual freedom versus the tyranny of government collectivism. She was a loyal supporter and friend of the United States and her terms as prime minister were marked as the beginning of the resurgence of the economy of the United Kingdom (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher did more to liberate people by defeating the Soviet Union and freeing eastern Europe than the Obamas, the Clintons, and Kerrys of this world ever have. They were all on the wrong side of that debate (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
My entire life, socially, was all around the Maggie era. That was the great challenge as a Sex Pistol was how to deal with Margaret Thatcher. I think we did rather good (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)