Margaret Thatcher Quotes

Text Quotes
When New Labour came to power, we got a Right-wing Conservative government. I came to realise that voting Labour wasn’t in Scotland’s interests any more. Any doubt I had about that was cast aside for ever when I saw Gordon Brown cosying up to Margaret Thatcher in Downing Street (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
I only met Margaret Thatcher twice. The thing that I thought about meeting her was how extraordinarily intelligent she was. You really had to be on your game; otherwise, she’d make mincemeat of you (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
If... many influential people have failed to understand, or have just forgotten, what we were up against in the Cold War and how we overcame it, they are not going to be capable of securing, let alone enlarging, the gains that liberty has made (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
Margaret Thatcher made tough decisions. She put people out of work and she stood up to labor unions and she did a lot of things that I did not like (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
When I’m out of politics I’m going to run a business, it’ll be called rent-a-spine (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
There are significant differences between the American and European version of capitalism. The American traditiionally emphasizes the need for limited government, light regulations, low taxes and maximum labour-market flexibility. Its success has been shown above all in the ability to create new jobs, in which it is consistently more successful than Europe (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
I’m back... and you knew I was coming. On my way here I passed a cinema with the sign ‘The Mummy Returns’ (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
There are some remarkable parallels between basketball and politics. Michael Jordan has already mastered the skill most needed for political success: how to stay aloft without visible means of support (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
But because we accept the sanctity of life, the responsibility that comes with freedom and the supreme sacrifice of Christ expressed so well in the hymn: ‘When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of Glory died. My richest gain I count but loss and pour contempt on all my pride.’ (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
Margaret Thatcher was the first political leader in any major country to warn of the dangers of climate change (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
Good Conservatives always pay their bills. And on time. Not like the Socialists who run up other people’s bills (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
When England was a kingdom, we had a king. When we were an empire, we had an emperor. Now we’re a country, and we have Margaret Thatcher (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
I had to live and breathe Margaret Thatcher for a few months. I totally engulfed myself in her life. I read her autobiography and a biography, ‘The Grocer’s Daughter.’ (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
Left-wing zealots have often been prepared to ride roughshod over due process and basic considerations of fairness when they think they can get away with it. For them the ends always seems to justify the means. That is precisely how their predecessors came to create the gulag (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
We had to fight the enemy without in the Falklands. We always have to be aware of the enemy within, which is much more difficult to fight and more dangerous to liberty (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
The role of Ronald Reagan had been deliberately diminished; the role of the Europeans, who, with the exception of Helmet Kohl, were often keen to undermine America when it mattered, had been sanitized; and the role of Mr. Gorbachev, who had failed spectacularly in his declared objective of saving communism and the Soviet Union, had been absurdly misunderstood (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
It is important not to allow ever wider coalition-building to become an end in itself. As we saw in the Gulf War of 1990, international pressures, particularly those exerted from within an alliance, can result in the failure to follow actions through and so leave future problems unresolved (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
The Iraqis had paid a terrible price for Saddam’s folly (in the Gulf War). But looking at the devastation they left behind (in Kuwait), my sympathy was limited (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
The Nuremburg trials were attacked at the time as ‘victor’s justice’. And this is precisely what they were - and were intended to be (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
The accumulation of wealth is a process which is of itself morally neutral. True, as Christianity teaches, riches bring temptations. But then so does poverty (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
In a system of free trade and free markets poor countries - and poor people - are not poor because others are rich. Indeed, if others became less rich the poor would in all probability become still poorer (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
I would just like to remember some words of St. Francis of Assisi which I think are really just particularly apt at the moment. ‘Where there is discord, may we bring harmony. Where there is error, may we bring truth. Where there is doubt, may we bring faith. And where there is despair, may we bring hope (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
In the Conservative Party we have no truck with outmoded Marxist doctrine about class warfare. For us it is not who you are, who your family is or where you come from that matters, but what you are and what you can do for your country that counts (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
For 3 million you could give everyone in Scotland a shovel, and we could dig a hole so deep we could hand her over to Satan in person (on Margaret Thatcher) (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
Margaret Thatcher has shown that there is power and dignity to be won by defying the status quo and the majority rather than by adapting to them. If the British left, which she froze into immobility like Medusa, could bring itself to learn from this, then we might not have to look upon her like again (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
I think they (Thatcher protesters) ought to be grateful for the fact that the people who hold our (pro-Thatcher) views, and who are not mindless bigots, won’t allow their behaviour to provoke us into words or behaviour which would could be seen as a breach of the peace. Hopefully, those of us who admire Margaret Thatcher are too well-mannered to fall for the bait (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
Why in the world anyone in America is allowing another language (other than English) to be his first... I don’t know (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
The most influential person in Europe in the last 20 to 30 years has been Margaret Thatcher. Without her we’d all be living in some French bloody unemployed republic (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
No generation has a free hold on this earth. All we have is a life tenancy-with a full repairing lease (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)
How very popular to say, ‘spend more on this, expend more on that.’ And of course, we all have our favorite causes; I know I do. But someone has to add up the figures. Every business has to do it, every housewife has to do it, [and] every government should do it (Margaret Thatcher Quotes)