Margins Quotes

Text Quotes
I’ve always felt like I was on the margins. Once upon a time that’s what independent used to mean (Margins Quotes)
In crude oil trading, we have seen a 46 percent increase over 1 year in the margins there (Margins Quotes)
I was a total education geek. I loved school. I loved learning. I loved doing homework. All of my books and notebooks from high school are underlined and highlighted and there are notes all over the margins. And you know, I was a theater kid too. I was all over the place (Margins Quotes)
Those born into poverty or on the margins of society require our extra support to realize their dreams (Margins Quotes)
It’s so funny to think that I used to be a model and here I am doing arbitrage, shipping and negotiating margins, the list is endless (Margins Quotes)
So much talent comes from the base of poverty and those in the margins. You limit the base, you miss too much talent (Margins Quotes)
But if you - if what - the reports are true, what they're saying is, is that as a consequence of us getting 30 million additional people health care, at the margins that's going to increase our costs, we knew that (Margins Quotes)
You would do better, at least no worse, to obliterate texts than to blacken margins, to fill in the holes of words till all is blank and flat and the whole ghastly business looks like what it is, senseless, speechless, issueless misery (Margins Quotes)
People who harbor strong convictions without evidence belong at the margins of our societies, not in our halls of power. The only thing we should respect in a person’s faith is his desire for a better life in this world; we need never have respected his certainty that one awaits him in the next (Margins Quotes)
My parents, and librarians along the way, taught me about the space between words; about the margins, where so many juicy moments of life and spirit and friendship could be found. In a library, you could find miracles and truth and you might find something that would make you laugh so hard that you get shushed, in the friendliest way (Margins Quotes)
Percentage margins don’t matter. What matters always is dollar margins: the actual dollar amount. Companies are valued not on their percentage margins, but on how many dollars they actually make, and a multiple of that (Margins Quotes)
But you will no doubt agree that the very best staff plans are those which give clear margins of error to allow for those days when an employee is ill or for one reason or another below par (Margins Quotes)
Love and trust and justice, concern for the poor, that’s being pushed to the margins, and you can see it (Margins Quotes)
Those in the margins are always trying to get to the center, and those at the center, frequently in the name of tradition, are trying to keep the margins at a distance (Margins Quotes)
Margins on other sales and revenues grew as a result of the growth in extended service plan revenues, which have no associated cost of sales, and the growth in our service margin, reflecting improved overhead expense absorption (Margins Quotes)
The vampire is an outsider. He’s the perfect metaphor for those things. He’s someone who looks human and sounds human, but is not human, so he’s always on the margins (Margins Quotes)
Birds know themselves not to be at the center of anything, but at the margins of everything. The end of the map. We only live where someone’s horizon sweeps someone else’s. We are only noticed on the edge of things; but on the edge of things, we notice much (Margins Quotes)
The central position of finance capital is going to come to an end, and it’s going to steadily move to the sides, the margins of our society, transformed from being a master into a servant, a servant to the productive economy and of human needs (Margins Quotes)
How capable are we of bringing about authentic change if we don’t have voices from the margins? (Margins Quotes)
I had been born shoved to the margins of the world, sure, but I had volunteered for the pits (Margins Quotes)
I live life in the margins of society, and the rules of normal society don’t apply to those who live on the fringe (Margins Quotes)
One of the lessons of history is that even the deepest crises can be moments of opportunity. They bring ideas from the margins into the mainstream (Margins Quotes)
It’s not about revenues: the fundamental economics in digital business is scale and margins. The top line has become the bottom line (Margins Quotes)
The individuals inside are frequently fighting that their individual voices be heard, while the walls of the place, which are the mask, and the perception, are reluctant to give over to the voices of the individuals. Those in the margins are always trying to get to the center, and those at the center, frequently in the name of tradition, are trying to keep the margins at a distance. Part of the identity of a place is the tension between those in the margins, and those in the center, and they all live behind the walls which wear the tradition (Margins Quotes)
I suppose I felt doomed to be an artist early on because of the way I drew all over the books that I needed for school, from ancient history to math. I was more interested in drawing in the margins than actually doing the work (Margins Quotes)