Maria Edgeworth Quotes

Text Quotes
The unaffected language of real feeling and benevolence is easily understood, and is never ridiculous (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
Fortune’s wheel never stands still the highest point is therefore the most perilous (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
There is no moment like the present. The man who will not execute his resolutions when they are fresh upon him can have no hope from them afterwards: they will be dissipated, lost, and perish in the hurry and scurry of the world, or sunk in the slough of indolence (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
Every man who takes a part in politics, especially in times when parties run high, must expect to be abused; they must bear it; and their friends must learn to bear it for them (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
I... practiced all the arts of apology, evasion, and invisibility, to which procrastinators must sooner or later be reduced (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
When one illusion vanishes, another shall appear, and, still leading me forward towards an horizon that retreats as I advance, the happy prospect of futurity shall vanish only with my existence (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
We perfectly agreed in our ideas of traveling; we hurried from place to place as fast as horses and wheels, and curses and guineas, could carry us (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
The labor of thinking was so great to me, that having once come to a conclusion upon any subject, I would rather persist in it, right or wrong, than be at the trouble of going over the process again to revise and rectify my judgment (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
If young women were not deceived into a belief that affectation pleases, they would scarcely trouble themselves to practise it so much (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
Love occupies a vast space in a woman’s thoughts, but fills a small portion in a man’s life (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
... an inaccurate use of words produces such a strange confusion in all reasoning, that in the heat of debate, the combatants, unable to distinguish their friends from their foes, fall promiscuously on both (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
The bore is usually considered a harmless creature, or of that class of irrationa bipeds who hurt only themselves (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
Man is to be held only by the slightest chains; with the idea that he can break them at pleasure, he submits to them in sport (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
A man who sells his conscience for his interest will sell it for his pleasure. A man who will betray his country will betray his friend (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
Beauty is a great gift of heaven; not for the purpose of female vanity, but a great gift for one who loves, and wishes to be beloved (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
There are two sorts of content; one is connected with exertion, the other with habits of indolence. The first is a virtue; the other, a vice (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
Some people talk of morality, and some of religion, but give me a little snug property (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
When driven to the necessity of explaining, I found that I did not myself understand what I meant (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
Politeness only teaches us to save others from unnecessary pain... You are not bound by politeness to tell any falsehoods (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
Young ladies who think of nothing but dress, public amusements, and forming what they call high connexions, are undoubtedly most easily managed, by the fear of what the world will say of them (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
Come when you’re called; And do as you’re bid; Shut the door after you; And you’ll never be chid (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
In marrying, a man does not, to be sure, marry his wife’s mother; and yet a prudent man, when he begins to think of the daughter, would look sharp at the mother; ay, and back to the grandmother too, and along the whole female line of ancestry (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
It is not so easy to do good as those who have never attempted it may imagine (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
The bore is good for promoting sleep; but though he causeth sleep in others, it is uncertain whether he ever sleeps himself; as few can keep awake in his company long enough to see. It is supposed that when he sleeps it is with his mouth open (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
In real friendship the judgment, the genius, the prudence of each party become the common property of both (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
It is quite fitting that charity should begin at home... but then it should not end at home; for those that help nobody will find none to help them in time of need (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
Those who have lived in a house with spoiled children must have a lively recollection of the degree of torment they can inflict upon all who are within sight or hearing (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
We are all apt to think that an opinion that differs from our own is a prejudice (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
How is it that hope so powerfully excites, and fear so absolutely depresses all our faculties? (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)
Now flattery can never do good; twice cursed in the giving and the receiving, it ought to be (Maria Edgeworth Quotes)