Maria V Snyder Quotes

Text Quotes
Words are easy. It’s convincing the heart that’s hard. (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
You can’t let the past ruin your future, I changed over in my mind (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
I offer my heart, entrust my soul and give my life to you (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
Sorry. An overdeveloped nurturing instinct comes with being a healer (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
You’ve only had a small glimpse of how insufferable and annoying I can be. As the older brother, it’s my birthright (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
The uniform enhanced his athletic body, and my thoughts drifted to how magnificent he would look with his uniform puddled around his feet (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
It had been wishful thinking, plain and simple, dangerous for me to indulge in. Hope, happiness and freedom were not in my future (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
I peered deeper and found my soul. A little tattered and with some holes, but there all the same. It had always been there, I realized with shock (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
I gave him a bored look. I had been threatened many times before and had learned that the men who didn’t make verbal threats were the most dangerous (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
I wanted to dissolve into the floor, mixing myself with the hard stone. A stone had a single purpose: to be. No complicated promises, no worries and no feelings (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
His movements were so graceful that I wondered if he had been a dancer, but his words betrayed to me that his fluid gestures were those of a trained killer (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
Your fear remains strong. You are not ready to face your story, preferring instead to surround yourself with knots. Someday, they will strangle you (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
Maximum damage. It was the beginning of the end. Either we would fail or not. At least we could say we tried (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
You asked how I can be so calm. I don’t have time not to be. I would like to grieve and worry and carry on, but that doesn’t achieve results (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
There are certain people I trust no matter what. Even when it seems like they’ve turned into monsters, you need to stay true to them. Because, in the end, they’ll be the ones backing you up (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
Poisoned, pursued and living with a psychopath. Not what I would consider the good life. Death has its perks (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
The past shouldn’t be forgotten. It should be used as a guide for future situations and not used as a reason to avoid making difficult decisions. There was always a choice (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
Living with your decision must be hard. Nothing I or anyone can say will give you any peace. You must reconcile your actions in your heart (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
There is a reason for everything. You might not be able to figure it out, and time might have made us all forget it, but the reason is there all the same (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
Yalena: Could you always open your door? Kiki: Yes. Fence, too. Yalena Why don’t you? Kiki: Hay sweet. Fresh water. Peppermints (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
Bad dreams are ghosts of our fears and worries, haunting us while we sleep. I doubt Valek is in trouble (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
Some Queen of the Pipes, I thought. I’d believed I was better than a mindless drone. But I was the mindless one, hiding away. Even now I referred to them as if I didn’t belong (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
Being a scrub was undesirable and hard work, living in crowded conditions with no privacy and just being one of many. Undistinguishable (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
Yes, I thought I’d try electrocution next. Since a bomb, a fire, Vinco’s knife and a brief encounter with outer space didn’t kill me (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
Right before I was escorted to the jail, Fawn waved bye bye to me. I smiled. My empty, pointless life for hers. Not bad (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
Valek’s thoughts returned to Yelena. An icy finger of loneliness touched the emptiness inside him. She was in Sitia, where she needed to be to learn about her magical powers, but she had taken his heart with her (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
They actually think I would abandon the Commander. they have no concept of loyalty (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
Valek: You know a death sentence hasn’t kept us apart before. Yelena: Is that an order Valek? Valek: No, it’s a promise! (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
In keeping with his cryptic nature, all your Story Weaver said was ‘The horses know where to go.’ It’s certainly not a military strategy I would use, but I’ve learned that the south uses its own strategy. And, strangely enough, it works (Maria V Snyder Quotes)
Besides, thinking kind thoughts about Valek could be extremely dangerous. I could admire his skills, and be relieved when he was on my side in a fight. But for a rat to like the cat? That scenario ended only one way. With one dead rat (Maria V Snyder Quotes)