Marian Wright Edelman Quotes

Text Quotes
You’re not obligated to win. You’re obligated to keep trying to do the best you can every day (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
Somehow we are going to have to develop a concept of enough for those at the top and at the bottom so that the necessities of the many are not sacrificed for the luxuries of the few (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
Education remains one of the black community’s most enduring values. It is sustained by the belief that freedom and education go hand in hand, that learning and training are essential to economic quality and independence (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
A nation that does not stand for its children does not stand for anything and will not stand tall in the future (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
I never thought I was breaking a glass ceiling. I just had to do what I had to do, and it never occurred to me not to (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
Hunger and malnutrition have devastating consequences for children and have been linked to low birth weight and birth defects, obesity, mental and physical health problems, and poorer educational outcomes (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
It is the responsibility of every adult... to make sure that children hear what we have learned from the lessons of life and to hear over and over that we love them and that they are not alone (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
Understand and be confident that each of us can make a difference by caring and acting in small as well as big ways (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
Don’t assume a door is closed; push on it. Don’t assume if it was closed yesterday that it is closed today. Don’t ever stop learning and improving your mind. If you do, you’re going to be left behind (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
Just because a child’s parents are poor or uneducated is no reason to deprive the child of basic human rights to health care, education and proper nutrition (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
The question is not whether we can afford to invest in every child; it is whether we can afford not to (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
Children must have at least one person who believes in them. It could be a counselor, a teacher, a preacher, a friend. It could be you. You never know when a little love, a little support will plant a small seed of hope (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
I’m doing what I think I was put on this earth to do. And I’m really grateful to have something that I’m passionate about and that I think is profoundly important (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
We are not going to deal with the violence in our communities, our homes, and our nation, until we learn to deal with the basic ethic of how we resolve our disputes and to place an emphasis on peace in the way we relate to one another (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
I think it is important that people who are perceived as liberals not be afraid of talking about moral and community values (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
When I fight about what is going on in the neighborhood, or when I fight about what is happening to other people’s children, I’m doing that because I want to leave a community and a world that is better than the one I found (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
The outside world told black kids when I was growing up that we weren’t worth anything. But our parents said it wasn’t so, and our churches and our schoolteachers said it wasn’t so. They believed in us, and we, therefore, believed in ourselves (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
Children don’t vote but adults who do must stand up and vote for them (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
There are so many noises and pulls and competing demands in our lives that many of us never find out who we are. Learn to be quiet enough to hear the sound of the genuine within yourself so that you can hear it in other people (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
You can achieve much in life if you don’t mind doing the work and giving someone else the credit (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
So often we are depressed by what remains to be done and forget to be thankful for all that has been done (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
You are in charge of your own attitude whatever others do or circumstances you face. The only person you can control is yourself... worry more about your attitude than your aptitude or lineage (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
If parents snicker at racial and gender jokes, another generation will pass on the poison adults still have not had the courage to snuff out (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
Every child’s life is sacred and it is long past time that we protect it (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
There comes a time when you roll up your sleeves and put yourself at the top of your commitment list (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
It really takes a community to raise children, no matter how much money one has. Nobody can do it well alone. And it’s the bedrock security of community that we and our children need (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
The crisis of children having children has been eclipsed by the greater crisis of children killing children (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
So often we think we have got to make a difference and be a big dog. Let us just try to be little fleas biting. Enough fleas biting strategically can make a big dog very uncomfortable (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
Don’t wait for, expect, or rely on favors. Count on earning them by hard work and perseverance (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)
It is time for every one of us to roll up our sleeves and put ourselves at the top of our commitment list (Marian Wright Edelman Quotes)