Marianne Williamson Quotes
Text Quotes
Let’s forgive the past and who we were then. Let’s embrace the present and who we’re capable of becoming. Let’s surrender the future and watch miracles unfold (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
Desperately seeking something is not what attracts it to us. When we dwell, in deep peace and kindness, whatever would add to our happiness just flows to our door (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
Forgiving the past means remembering the love there, and releasing all the rest as the illusion that it really was (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
Think of one person who you are tempted for any reason to withhold love from, and pray for their happiness. In that moment your pain will stop (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
Every heart has a divine intelligence and natural guidance system. With every prayer, every meditation and every thought of love, we tune in to ours (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
It is your thoughts and your thoughts alone that determine what’s possible for you now (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
Sometimes when we don’t know the answer, it’s time to simply be with the question (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
The only way to end a culture of violence is to proactively create a culture of peace (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
Your future isn’t programmed by your past; it’s programmed by your thoughts (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
There is within each of us the possibility of magnificence. Every moment is an opportunity to make it manifest. Let the spirit awaken you to a miraculous life (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
The greatest force of personal liberation is the decision to widen our circle of compassion, moving from focus on self to focus on service (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
Darkness is merely the absence of light, and fear is merely the absence of love. If we want to be rid of fear, we cannot fight it but must replace it with love (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
Atoms are driven by consciousness. In proximity to love, they move in harmonious collaboration with other atoms. When in proximity to fear, they become disharmonious and chaotic. We choose each moment the energy that surrounds us (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
The only way the past can drag you back is if you choose to bring it with you into the present (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
The bottom line in love is not whether someone loves you, but whether someone chooses you (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
Some people think it’s naive to think we can make love our new bottom line. What I believe is naive is thinking human civilization as we know it will survive another two hundred years if we do not (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
Once the light of our awareness is cast on any darkness, then it cannot hide and it cannot remain. Such is the law of consciousness (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
A real leader is not the top dog who merely shouts down orders. a leader is one who holds the space for the brilliance of others (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
We don’t reach the light through endless analysis of the dark. We reach the light by choosing the light (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
Something very beautiful happens to people when their world’s fallen apart: a humility, a nobility, a higher intelligence emerges at just the point when our knees hit the floor (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
You don’t have to pray to attract great things, because great things are attracted to you already. Pray that you won’t throw them away once they get here (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
The universe is already programmed to give each of us a year of happiness. Our challenge lies in programming ourselves to receive it (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
Often faith isn’t hoping that good times are coming; it’s trying to see that the good times are here (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
Problems come about when we try to direct the flow of the universe rather than allow it to reveal its own design. Inherent in that design is a love for all living things (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. When you choose to love, you choose to work miracles (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
Life is a book that never ends. Chapters close, but not the book itself. The end of one physical incarnation is like the end of a chapter, on some level setting up the beginning of another (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
Whomever it is you were born to be, whatever your soul was coded to accomplish, whatever lessons you were born to learn, now is the time to get serious and get going (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
We experience who we really are, and what it is we are meant to do, in any moment when we pour our love into the universe (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
We aren’t bodies at all; who we are is the love inside us, and it is that love alone that determines our value. When our minds are filled with light, there is no room for darkness (Marianne Williamson Quotes)
Midlife is not the time to disenchant ourselves. It’s a time to turn on all our magic in full force (Marianne Williamson Quotes)