Mariella Frostrup Quotes

Text Quotes
I have had demanding jobs since I was 18 years old. I have had two sick days in all my working life. (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
Of course, I’d like to earn Jonathan Ross’s money, but I don’t have sleepless nights wondering when someone’s going to knock on my door with sacks of cash. (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
Contrary to popular mythology, the best and most durable relationships are based not on vulnerability or passion but on a conjugation of positive attributes, a meeting of mind, body and soul that is all the more powerful as it is not weighed down with neediness and unreasonable expectation. (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
One of my few childhood memories is as an eight-year-old, refused permission to watch the Hitchcock season on Irish television, sneakily viewing ‘The Birds’ though a crack in the living-room door. It transformed my hitherto perfectly enjoyable half-mile walk to school, down a country lane patrolled by watchful birds, into a terrifying ordeal. (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
Life is rife with frustrations, jealousies and, on occasion, an overwhelming sense of its injustices, but it’s a big mistake to let such negative sentiments rule our lives and dictate choices. (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
Personally, I think there’s a lot to recommend being friends with your ex, and I’m glad to admit that I’m living proof of its possibility. (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
I’ve been accused of riding roughshod over others’ emotions, and I admit, when I feel a friend is being over-indulgent, my patience is in short supply. (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
Quite honestly, if we do manage to destroy the planet with our devil-may-care attitude to natural resources, I’d suggest we leave, as a dossier in our defence, the collected letters to agony aunts and uncles down the generations. It would certainly prove that we weren’t all bad! (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
For many young women, the dream of independence and a home of their own is a tantalising goal, while a lifetime devoted solely to catering for another person’s needs would be hard to countenance. (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
We invest less in our friendships and expect more of friends than any other relationship. We spend days working out where to book for a romantic dinner, weeks wondering how to celebrate a partner or parent’s birthday, and seconds forgetting a friend’s important anniversary. (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
I hate the thought of my children being glued to a screen. Children only play on computers all day because their parents let them. (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
I feel lucky that I had my children late. Not that I would advise it in any shape or form. But I know friends who had children when they were young, struggled with feeling trapped. I can honestly say I’ve never once resented the fact that I couldn’t go out because of my kids. (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
While the male eye zooms in on a particular element to the exclusion of all else, a woman’s gaze flickers from one tedious task to the next, to the point where we can’t distinguish between the importance of mopping the kitchen floor and achieving world peace (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
I was told that when you hit forty men stop looking at you. It’s true, until you slip on a mini-skirt (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
Joy acts like a trampoline, everything that touches it bouncing right back off it (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
Sustaining true friendship is a lot more challenging than we give it credit for (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
Seeing the world differently is one of the toughest incompatibilities to reconcile in a relationship (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
With longer life spans and better health and education, many feel that giving birth to a baby a mere couple of decades after they themselves were in the cradle is a little premature (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
Since so many romantic comedies vary little in their storyline, the success or failure of such movies depends largely on whether we believe in the relationship of the protagonists (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
Having lived a full and stimulating life before I had my kids, I’ve relished every minute I’ve had to spend with them and felt a degree of confidence in dealing with their trials and tribulations to date (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
Reading a book you are not enjoying is a torture not to be undertaken without a reward. I leave plays at the interval, too! (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
It’s so much easier to count our disadvantages than tot up the mitigating circumstances that generally outweigh the despair (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
As a species, we tend to be doers, forever shaping and reshaping the world to better suit our purposes (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
When the going gets tough, the prospect of delegating half your responsibilities to a willing volunteer, either to play a supporting role or take over the breadwinning, certainly holds allure (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
In romance, we feel the need to zoom in and expound on our partner’s foibles in intimate detail; in friendship, we tend to do the opposite, avoiding confrontation through fear, lethargy or both (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
Too often we forget that an ideal partner is someone who enhances an already full existence (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
Having a baby is a disaster for your career. I don’t think there’s any sympathy (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
There are two ways of approaching your time on this planet: one is to sit around waiting for something to happen that will make sense of your existence, and the other is to get out there and find purpose for yourself (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
Life is rife with frustrations, jealousies and, on occasion, an overwhelming sense of its injustices, but it’s a big mistake to let such negative sentiments rule our lives and dictate choices (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)
Every friendship goes through ups and downs. Dysfunctional patterns set in; external situations cause internal friction; you grow apart and then bounce back together (Mariella Frostrup Quotes)