Mark Batterson Quotes

Text Quotes
Faith is not logical. But it isn’t illogical either. Faith is theological. It does not ignore reality; it just adds God into the equation (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Too often the word ‘prayer’ induces guilt because we don’t do enough of it. After all, I’ve never met anyone who said they pray too much! All of us fall short. And we often feel like our prayers fall flat. (Mark Batterson Quotes)
The goal is glorifying God by drawing circles around the promises, miracles, and dreams He wants for you. (Mark Batterson Quotes)
The antidote for fear of failure is not success but small doses of failure (Mark Batterson Quotes)
You’ll never be a perfect parent, but you can be a praying parent (Mark Batterson Quotes)
You can have faith or you can have control, but you cannot have both (Mark Batterson Quotes)
The healthiest and holiest people are the people who laugh at themselves the most. Failure helps us take God more seriously and ourselves less seriously. (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Email helps me keep in touch with my family. I wouldn’t know what my extended family was doing every day if we weren’t emailing each other. (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Instead of complaining about the current state of affairs, we need to offer better alternatives. [...] we need to stop cursing the darkness and start lighting some candles! (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Faith is the willingness to look foolish (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Imagination is the road less taken, but it is the pathway of prayer (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Nine times out of 10, criticism is a defense mechanism. We criticize in others what we don’t like in ourselves. (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Prayer is the inheritance we receive and the legacy we leave (Mark Batterson Quotes)
It’s hard for me to imagine why a church that has younger members wouldn’t have a blog component. (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Verse by verse, the Bible becomes more than theory. It becomes my firsthand experience. (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Potential is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God. (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Learning isn’t a luxury; it’s a stewardship issue (Mark Batterson Quotes)
We’ve lost the wow of God because we’ve lost the woe of God. His perfect holiness helps us truly appreciate His amazing grace. (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Quit living as if the purpose of life is to arrive safely at death (Mark Batterson Quotes)
I’ve always believed in the power of prayer. One prayer can accomplish more than a thousand plans. That isn’t a magic formula, but it’s an idea that if you pray, keep praying and then praying some more. (Mark Batterson Quotes)
The only way you can fail is if you stop praying (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Jesus didn’t die to make us safe. He died to make us dangerous (Mark Batterson Quotes)
The outcome of your life will be determined by your outlook on life (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Don’t wait to worship God until you get to the Promised Land; you’ve got to worship along the way. (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Don’t just read the Bible. Start circling the promises. Don’t just make a wish. Write down a list of God-glorifying life goals. Don’t just pray. Keep a prayer journal. Define your dream. Claim your promise. Spell your miracle (Mark Batterson Quotes)
The day we stop dreaming is the day we start dying (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Who you become is determined by how you pray (Mark Batterson Quotes)
You are only one defining decision away from a totally different life! (Mark Batterson Quotes)
New media is like a megaphone. It amplifies your ability to reach more people (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Half of learning is learning. The other half of learning is unlearning (Mark Batterson Quotes)