Mark Batterson Quotes

Text Quotes
The supernatural laws of prayer defy the natural laws of time and space (Mark Batterson Quotes)
One of the truest tests of spiritual maturity is seeing the miraculous in the monotonous (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Ultimately, the transcript of your prayers becomes the script of your life (Mark Batterson Quotes)
You are only one prayer away from a dream fulfilled, a promise kept, or a miracle performed (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Half of spiritual growth is learning what we don’t know. The other half is unlearning what we do know (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Have you ever noticed that when you pray, coincidences happen? And when you don’t, they don’t (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Prayer is the difference between seeing with our physical eyes and seeing with our spiritual eyes (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Each prayer is like a seed that gets planted in the ground. It disappears for a season, but it eventually bears fruit that blesses future generations. In fact, our prayers bear fruit forever (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Prayer adds an element of surprise to your life that is more fun than a surprise party or surprise gift or surprise romance. In fact, prayer turns life into a party, into a gift, into a romance (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Nine times out of 10, criticism is a defense mechanism. We criticize in others what we don’t like in ourselves (Mark Batterson Quotes)
May you keep dreaming until the day you die. May imagination overtake memory. May you die young at a ripe old age (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Prayers are prophecies. They are the best predictors of your spiritual future. Who you become is determined by how you pray. Ultimately, the transcript of your prayers becomes the script of your life (Mark Batterson Quotes)
If you are not open to the unprecedented, you will repeat history. If you are open to the unprecedented, you will change history. The difference is prayer (Mark Batterson Quotes)
More often than not, the only thing between you and your dream is a rational excuse (Mark Batterson Quotes)
You don’t have to do everything right as a parent, but there is one thing you cannot afford to get wrong. That one thing is prayer. You’ll never be a perfect parent, but you can be a praying parent. Prayer is your highest privilege as a parent. There is nothing you can do that will have a higher return on investment. In fact, the dividends are eternal (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Sometimes we’re too focused on getting out of a situation that we don’t think about what we can get out of the situation (Mark Batterson Quotes)
The greatest tragedy in life is the prayers that go unanswered simply because they go unasked (Mark Batterson Quotes)
If you wait for perfect conditions to seize an opportunity, you’ll be waiting till the day you die (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Prayer turns ordinary parents into prophets who shape the destinies of their children, grandchildren, and every generation that follows (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Email helps me keep in touch with my family. I wouldn’t know what my extended family was doing every day if we weren’t emailing each other (Mark Batterson Quotes)
If you really believe in the message you’re preaching, you want as many people as possible to listen (Mark Batterson Quotes)
It’s hard for me to imagine why a church that has younger members wouldn’t have a blog component (Mark Batterson Quotes)
I’ve always believed in the power of prayer. One prayer can accomplish more than a thousand plans. That isn’t a magic formula, but it’s an idea that if you pray, keep praying and then praying some more (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Over the years I’ve grown more comfortable with making people uncomfortable because that is when growth can happen. You need a little conflict. You need a little tension. And that is part of my calling. A little tough love goes a long way! (Mark Batterson Quotes)
Embrace relational uncertainty. It’s called romance. Embrace spiritual uncertainty. It’s called mystery. Embrace occupational uncertainty. It’s called destiny. Embrace emotional uncertainty. It’s called joy. Embrace intellectual uncertainty. It’s called revelation (Mark Batterson Quotes)