Mark Haddon Quotes

Text Quotes
What I love about the theatre is that it’s always metaphorical. It’s like going back to being a kid again, and we’re all pretending in a room. Sometimes, when the pretending really works, I find it much, much more moving than something on film. (Mark Haddon Quotes)
The main impetus for being a writer is thinking, ‘I could invent another world. I’m not terribly keen on this one.’ (Mark Haddon Quotes)
I am really interested in eccentric minds. It’s rather like being fascinated by how cars work. It’s really boring if your car works all the time. But as soon as something happens, you get the bonnet up. If someone has an abnormal or dysfunctional state of mind, you get the bonnet up. (Mark Haddon Quotes)
I really like the idea of being a bit unpredictable. I’m known for being a nice, easy-going person with a straightforward exterior. So I think a bit of me wants to be sort of sly and devious. (Mark Haddon Quotes)
My best days do seem like a distillation of all that was best about school. Write a story! Paint a picture! Write a poem! Make a print! (Mark Haddon Quotes)
I am atheist in a very religious mould. I’m always asking myself the big questions. Where did we come from? Is there a meaning to all of this? When I find myself in church, I edit the hymns as I sing them. (Mark Haddon Quotes)
I think most writers feel like they’re on the outside looking in much of the time. All of us feel, to a certain extent, alienated from the stuff going on around us. (Mark Haddon Quotes)
I started writing books for children because I could illustrate them myself and because, in my innocence, I thought they’d be easier. (Mark Haddon Quotes)
The most difficult book I wrote was the fourth in a series of linked children’s books. It was like pulling teeth because the publisher wanted exactly the same but completely different. I’d much rather just do something completely different, even if there’s a risk of it going wrong. (Mark Haddon Quotes)
No one is ever really a stranger. We cling to the belief that we share nothing with certain people. It’s rubbish. We have almost everything in common with everyone. (Mark Haddon Quotes)
..because when we look up into the sky at night there will be no darkness, just the blazing light of billions and billions of stars, all falling. (Mark Haddon Quotes)
I’m really interested in the extraordinary found in the normal. Hopefully, my books don’t take you to an entirely different place but make you look at things around you. (Mark Haddon Quotes)
Payments to the disabled are getting slashed and people like me are getting a tax cut. Who could possibly think that is a good thing? (Mark Haddon Quotes)
I’ve worked in television long enough to know that when you stop enjoying that type of thing you go home and do something else. (Mark Haddon Quotes)
One of the freedoms you get if you earn a lot of money from a book is to throw away what you want. And if you throw a lot away, the good stuff always comes back; nothing is lost. (Mark Haddon Quotes)
As to the number of novels I’ve abandoned... I shudder to think. I have thrown away five completed novels, and that’s a gruesome enough figure. But not necessarily a waste of effort. (Mark Haddon Quotes)
If you enjoy math and you write novels, it’s very rare that you’ll get a chance to put your math into a novel. I leapt at the chance. (Mark Haddon Quotes)
You could ask for hugs if you were feeling sad or you’d hurt yourself, but when it happened spontaneously it made you feel warm inside. (Mark Haddon Quotes)
Stories about mental aberration and oddity only make sense in context. Just how do people live with someone who is peculiar, gifted, strange or alien? It’s odd because there’s a little part of me that wants to write about exotic, strange bizarre subjects. Instead, I’ve rather reluctantly realised that what I write about is families. (Mark Haddon Quotes)
I like poetry when I don’t quite understand why I like it. Poetry isn’t just a question of wrapping something up and giving it to someone else to unwrap. It just doesn’t work like that. (Mark Haddon Quotes)
Water purling between the rocks, weed under the surface like green hair in the wind (Mark Haddon Quotes)
B is for bestseller (Mark Haddon Quotes)
That’s important to me, to find the extraordinary inside the ordinary (Mark Haddon Quotes)
Reading is a conversation. All books talk. But a good book listens as well (Mark Haddon Quotes)
Appalling things can happen to children. And even a happy childhood is filled with sadnesses (Mark Haddon Quotes)
But I said that you could still want something that is very unlikely to happen (Mark Haddon Quotes)
I don't remember deciding to become a writer. You decide to become a dentist or a postman. For me, writing is like being gay. You finally admit that this is who you are, you come out and hope that no one runs away (Mark Haddon Quotes)
Use your imagination, and you'll see that even the most narrow, humdrum lives are infinite in scope if you examine them with enough care (Mark Haddon Quotes)
Writing for children is bloody difficult; books for children are as complex as their adult counterparts, and they should therefore be accorded the same respect (Mark Haddon Quotes)
I think the U. K. Is too small to write about from within it and still make it seem foreign and exotic and interesting (Mark Haddon Quotes)