Mark Nepo Quotes

Text Quotes
To journey without being changed is to be a nomad. To change without journeying is to be a chameleon. To journey and be transformed by the journey is to be a pilgrim (Mark Nepo Quotes)
Joy in what we do is not an added feature; it is a sign of deep health (Mark Nepo Quotes)
The greedy one gathered all the cherries, while the simple one tasted all the cherries in one (Mark Nepo Quotes)
It has always amazed and humbled me to how the risk to bloom can seem so insurmountable beforehand and so inevitably freeing once the threshold of suffering is crossed (Mark Nepo Quotes)
Tragedy stays alive by feeling what’s been done to us, while peace comes alive by living with the results (Mark Nepo Quotes)
No bird can fly without opening its wings, and no one can love without exposing their hearts (Mark Nepo Quotes)
We need to give up what no longer works and find new ways of being that keeps us close to what matters (Mark Nepo Quotes)
We can never be prepared for everything. No one person can anticipate all of life. In fact, overpreparation is yet another way to wall ourselves in from life (Mark Nepo Quotes)
Who’s to say the effort to be real isn’t the beginning of wings? (Mark Nepo Quotes)
For listening to the stories of others... is a kind of water that breaks the fever of our isolation. If we listen closely enough, we are soothed into remembering our common name (Mark Nepo Quotes)
Wakefulness is not a destination but a song the human heart keeps singing, the way birds keep singing at the first sign of light (Mark Nepo Quotes)
To listen is to lean in, softly, with a willingness to be changed by what we hear (Mark Nepo Quotes)
Intuitive listening requires us to still our minds until the beauty of things older than our minds can find us (Mark Nepo Quotes)
The life of expression is the tuning fork by which we find our way to the sacred (Mark Nepo Quotes)
Part of the blessing and challenge of being human is that we must discover our own true nature (Mark Nepo Quotes)
Rather than finding heaven on earth, we are asked to release heaven by living on Earth (Mark Nepo Quotes)
This is the ongoing purpose of full attention: to find a thousand ways to be pierced into wholeness (Mark Nepo Quotes)
Perhaps the hardest thing I’ve learned, and still struggle with, is that I don’t have to be finished in order to be whole (Mark Nepo Quotes)
Perhaps the noblest private act is the unheralded effort to... open our hearts once they’ve closed, to open our souls once they’ve shied away (Mark Nepo Quotes)
The real and lasting practice for each of us is to remove what obstructs us so we can be who we are (Mark Nepo Quotes)
I looked a hundred times and all I saw was dust. The sun broke through and flecks of gold filled the air (Mark Nepo Quotes)
We are all continually asked to learn how to ask for what we need, only to practice accepting what we’re given (Mark Nepo Quotes)
A successful creative expression is one in which the person who has expressed it was transformed for having encountered it (Mark Nepo Quotes)
In daily terms, the work of listening is to be constantly worn free of our preconceptions and preferences so that nothing stands in the way of our direct experience of life (Mark Nepo Quotes)
Whatever truth we feel compelled to withhold, no matter how unthinkable it is to imagine ourselves telling it, not to is a way of spiritually holding our breath. You can only do it for so long (Mark Nepo Quotes)
There is a great choice that awaits us every day: whether we go around carving holes in others because we have been so painfully carved ourselves, or whether we let spirit play its song through our tender experience, enabling us to listen, as well, to the miraculous music coming through others (Mark Nepo Quotes)
We work so hard to get somewhere, to realize a dream, to arrive at some destination, that we often forget that though some satisfaction may be waiting at the end of our endurance and effort, there is great and irreplaceable aliveness in the steps along the way (Mark Nepo Quotes)
To listen is to continually give up all expectation and to give our attention, completely and freshly, to what is before us, not really knowing what we will hear or what that will mean. In the practice of our days, to listen is to lean in, softly, with a willingness to be changed by what we hear (Mark Nepo Quotes)
Before we can count we are taught to be grateful for what others do. As we are broken open by our experience, we begin to be grateful for what is, and if we live long enough and deep enough and authentically enough, gratitude becomes a way of life (Mark Nepo Quotes)
For though we stubbornly cling, believing in our moment of hunger that there is no other possibility of love, we only have to let go of what we want so badly and our life will unfold. For love is everywhere (Mark Nepo Quotes)