Mark Twain Quotes
Text Quotes
Our opinions do not really blossom into fruition until we have expressed them to someone else (Mark Twain Quotes)
How little a thing can make us happy when we feel that we have earned it (Mark Twain Quotes)
Love seems the swiftest, but it is the slowest of all growths. No man or woman really knows what perfect love is until they have been married a quarter of a century (Mark Twain Quotes)
A soiled baby with a neglected nose cannot be conscientiously regarded as a thing of beauty (Mark Twain Quotes)
Of the demonstrably wise there are but two: those who commit suicide, and those who keep their reasoning faculties atrophied with drink (Mark Twain Quotes)
There are many humorous things in the world; among them, the white man’s notion that he is less savage than the other savages (Mark Twain Quotes)
Every time you stop a school, you will have to build a jail. What you gain at one end you lose at the other. It’s like feeding a dog on his own tail. It won’t fatten the dog (Mark Twain Quotes)
It used to take me all vacation to grow a new hide in place of the one they flogged off me during school term (Mark Twain Quotes)
Nothing seems to please a fly so much as to be taken for a currant; and if it can be baked in a cake and palmed off on the unwary, it dies happy (Mark Twain Quotes)
If the desire to kill and the opportunity to kill came always together, who would escape hanging? (Mark Twain Quotes)
If we should deal out justice only, in this world, who would escape? No, it is better to be generous, and in the end more profitable, for it gains gratitude for us, and love (Mark Twain Quotes)
I haven’t a particle of confidence in a man who has no redeeming petty vices whatsoever (Mark Twain Quotes)
A crowded police docket is the surest of all signs that trade is brisk and money plenty (Mark Twain Quotes)
Weather is a literary specialty, and no untrained hand can turn out a good article on it (Mark Twain Quotes)
He had only one vanity; he thought he could give advice better than any other person (Mark Twain Quotes)
A powerful agent is the right word. Whenever we come upon one of those intensely right words in a book or newspaper the resulting effect is physical as well as spiritual, and electrically prompt (Mark Twain Quotes)
Customs do not concern themselves with right or wrong or reason. But they have to be obeyed; one reasons all around them until he is tired, but he must not transgress them, it is sternly forbidden (Mark Twain Quotes)
Laws are sand, customs are rock. Laws can be evaded and punishment escaped, but an openly transgressed custom brings sure punishment (Mark Twain Quotes)
The humorous story is told gravely; the teller does his best to conceal the fact that he even dimly suspects that there is anything funny about it (Mark Twain Quotes)
Nothing that grieves us can be called little: by the eternal laws of proportion a child’s loss of a doll and a king’s loss of a crown are events of the same size (Mark Twain Quotes)
We have not the reverent feeling for the rainbow that the savage has, because we know how it is made. We have lost as much as we gained by prying into that matter (Mark Twain Quotes)
France has neither winter nor summer nor morals. Apart from these drawbacks it is a fine country (Mark Twain Quotes)
In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot (Mark Twain Quotes)
It is my belief that nearly any invented quotation, played with confidence, stands a good chance to deceive (Mark Twain Quotes)
The time to begin writing an article is when you have finished it to your satisfaction. By that time you begin to clearly and logically perceive what it is you really want to say (Mark Twain Quotes)
A man has no business to be depressed by a disappointment, anyway; he ought to make up his mind to get even (Mark Twain Quotes)
It is easy to find fault, if one has that disposition. There was once a man who, not being able to find any other fault with his coal, complained that there were too many prehistoric toads in it (Mark Twain Quotes)
The timid man yearns for full value and demands a tenth. The bold man strikes for double value and compromises on par (Mark Twain Quotes)
We can secure other people’s approval, if we do right and try hard; but our own is worth a hundred of it, and no way has been found out of securing that (Mark Twain Quotes)
To succeed in the other trades, capacity must be shown; in the law, concealment of it will do (Mark Twain Quotes)