Mark Twain Quotes
Text Quotes
I would rather have my ignorance than another man’s knowledge, because I have got so much more of it (Mark Twain Quotes)
The first half of life consists of the capacity to enjoy without the the chance; the last half consists of the chance without the capacity (Mark Twain Quotes)
Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect (Mark Twain Quotes)
A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes (Mark Twain Quotes)
It takes your enemy and your friend, working together, to hurt you: The one to slander you, and the other to get the news to you (Mark Twain Quotes)
The man who carries a cat by the tail learns something that can be learned in no other way (Mark Twain Quotes)
It is in the heart that the values lie. I wish I could make him understand that a loving heart is riches, and riches enough, and that without it intellect is poverty (Mark Twain Quotes)
Truth is mighty and will prevail. There is nothing the matter with this, except that it ain’t so (Mark Twain Quotes)
Humor is the great thing, the saving thing. The minute it crops up, all our irritation and resentments slip away, and a sunny spirit takes their place (Mark Twain Quotes)
We haven’t all had the good fortune to be ladies; we haven’t all been generals, or poets, or statesmen; but when the toast works down to the babies, we stand on common ground (Mark Twain Quotes)
Among the three or four million cradles now rocking in the land are some which this nation would preserve for ages as sacred things, if we could know which ones they are (Mark Twain Quotes)
To create man was a fine and original idea; but to add the sheep was a tautology (Mark Twain Quotes)
Always acknowledge a fault frankly. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you opportunity to commit more (Mark Twain Quotes)
Jim was most ruined for a servant, because he got stuck up on account of having seen the devil and been rode by witches (Mark Twain Quotes)
We said there warn’t no home like a raft, after all. Other places do seem so cramped up and smothery, but a raft don’t. You feel mighty free and easy and comfortable on a raft (Mark Twain Quotes)
I have no race prejudices nor caste prejudices nor creed prejudices. all I care to know is that a man is a human being, and that is enough for me; he can’t be any worse (Mark Twain Quotes)
Herodotus says, very few things happen at the right time, and the rest do not happen at all. The conscientious historian will correct these defects (Mark Twain Quotes)
Only laughter can blow to rags and atoms at a blast. Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand (Mark Twain Quotes)
Try as you may, you don’t get down as you would from a horse, you get down as you would from a house afire. You make a spectacle of yourself every time (Mark Twain Quotes)
Before taking final leave of me, my instructor inquired concerning my physical strength, and I was able to inform him that I hadn’t any (Mark Twain Quotes)
The trade of critic, in literature, music, and the drama, is the most degraded of all trades (Mark Twain Quotes)
Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (Mark Twain Quotes)
... When you recollect something which belonged in an earlier chapter, do not go back, but jam it in where you are. Discursiveness does not hurt an autobiography in the least (Mark Twain Quotes)
You cannot lay bare your private soul and look at it. You are too much ashamed of yourself. It is too disgusting. For that reason I confine myself to drawing the portraits of others (Mark Twain Quotes)
... It is not wise to keep the fire going under a slander unless you can get some large advantage out of keeping it alive. Few slanders can stand the wear of silence (Mark Twain Quotes)
We are always anxious to be distinguished for a talent which we do not possess than to be praised for the fifteen which we do possess (Mark Twain Quotes)
All religions issue bibles against him, and say most injurious things about him, but we never hear his side (Mark Twain Quotes)
The jury system puts a ban upon intelligence and honesty, and a premium upon ignorance, stupidity, and perjury (Mark Twain Quotes)
The chances are that a man cannot get into congress now without resorting to arts and means that should render him unfit to go there (Mark Twain Quotes)
A pretty air in an opera is prettier there than it could be anywhere else, I suppose, just as an honest man in politics shines more than he would elsewhere (Mark Twain Quotes)