Marked Quotes
Friendship Quotes
Love Quotes
Life Quotes
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Motivational Quotes
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Text Quotes
I like that time is marked by each sunrise and sunset whether or not you actually see it (Marked Quotes)
Part of the reason images of women in positions of authority are marked by their gender is that the very notion of authority is associated with maleness (Marked Quotes)
At every concert I’ve sensed a certain insecurity about the tempo. It’s clearly marked 80... uh, 69 (Marked Quotes)
Life is something like a remarkable, exciting puzzle. It comes piece by piece in packages marked days (Marked Quotes)
Color is a major element in scale. A small room can have a larger look by the use of closely related values, hues, and intensity. A large room can be made to look smaller by marked contrasts of color and value, hue, and intensity. Value is one of the most important elements. Whether light or dark, little value contrast makes for unity, and sharper contrast makes for stronger punctuation (Marked Quotes)
There are very few players who know what to do when they’re not marked. So sometimes you tell a player: that attacker is very good, but don’t mark him (Marked Quotes)
Life itself is a race, marked by a start, and a finish. It is what we learn during the race, and how we apply it, that determines whether our participation has had particular value. If we learn from each success, and each failure, and improve ourselves through this process, then at the end, we have fulfilled our potential and performed well (Marked Quotes)
Mediocre men often have the most acquired knowledge. It is in the darker. It is in the darker regions of science that great men are recognized; they are marked by ideas which light up phenomena hitherto obscure and carry science forward (Marked Quotes)
Capitalism will continue to eliminate mass poverty in more and more places and to an increasingly marked extent if it is merely permitted to do so (Marked Quotes)
The history of human consciousness is marked by the battle between the old awareness, the ways of fear, and the new awareness, the ways of love (Marked Quotes)
Whenever a great physician treats diseases, he has to be mentally calm and his disposition firm. He should not give way to wishes and desires, but has to develop first a marked attitude of compassion. He should commit himself firmly to the willingness to take the effort to save every living creature (Marked Quotes)
The people who carried the burden, who marked in strange field in search of an answer, and ended their journeys an unwilling hero (Marked Quotes)
Every era has a currency that buys souls. In some the currency is pride, in others it is hope, in still others it is a holy cause. There are of course times when hard cash will buy souls, and the remarkable thing is that such times are marked by civility, tolerance, and the smooth working of everyday life (Marked Quotes)
Martial music has sudden and strongly marked transitions from one note to another which that style of music requires; while in that which is intended to move the softer passions, the notes imperceptibly melt into one another (Marked Quotes)
Look at that mallard as he floats on the lake; see his elevated head glittering with emerald green, his amber eyes glancing in the light! Even at this distance, he has marked you, and suspects that you bear no goodwill towards him, for he sees that you have a gun, and he has many a time been frightened by its report, or that of some other. The wary bird draws his feet under his body, springs upon then, opens his wings, and with loud quacks bids you farewell (Marked Quotes)
The measure of the wealth of a nation is indicated by the measure of its protection of its industry; the measure of the poverty of a nation is marked by the degree in which it neglects and abandons the care of its own industry, leaving it exposed to the action of foreign powers (Marked Quotes)
I believe that there should be a very much heavier progressive tax on very large incomes, a tax which should increase in a very marked fashion for the gigantic incomes (Marked Quotes)
Wild as man was, and disgusting as the more degraded tribes and communities were, the best of them, and all those from which further advance came, were marked by good qualities, or they could never have risen to a higher stage (Marked Quotes)
The greater a man’s talents, the more marked his idiosyncracies. Yet in the provinces originality is considered perilously close to lunacy (Marked Quotes)
The healthy life is hardly one marked by an absence of crises. In fact, an individual’s psychological health is distinguished by how early he or she can meet crisis (Marked Quotes)
If some folks have buried their racial prejudices, the chances are that they’ve got the graves marked and will have no trouble disinterring their pet hates (Marked Quotes)
Having a real public outlet is how you imprint something for yourself. It’s just a matter of timing. It’s like you’ve marked your territory (Marked Quotes)
The progress of any writer is marked by those moments when he manages to outwit his own inner police system (Marked Quotes)
A prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a people who mean to be free (Marked Quotes)
Writing makes a map, and there is something about a journey that begs to have its passage marked (Marked Quotes)
There are certain people that are marked for death. I have my little list of those that treated me unfairly (Marked Quotes)
Our hour is marked, and no one can claim a moment of life beyond what fate has predestined (Marked Quotes)
Every stage of human life, except the last, is marked out by certain and defined limits; old age alone has no precise and determinate boundary (Marked Quotes)
We only see in a lifetime a dozen faces marked with the peace of a contented spirit (Marked Quotes)
Travelers are always discoverers, especially those who travel by air. There are no signposts in the sky to show a man has passed that way before. There are no channels marked. The flier breaks each second into new uncharted seas (Marked Quotes)