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Once our storyline gets under way, I just hope people don’t throw cabbages at me in the market  (Market Quotes) Successful investors like stocks better when they’re going down. When you go to a department store or a supermarket, you like to buy merchandise on sale, but it doesn’t work that way in the stock market. In the stock market, people panic when stocks are going down, so they like them less when they should like them more. When prices go down, you shouldn’t panic, but it’s hard to control your emotions when you’re overextended, when you see your net worth drop in half and you worry that you won’t have enough money to pay for your kids’ college  (Market Quotes) Successful investors tend to be unemotional, allowing the greed and fear of others to play into their hands. By having confidence in their own analysis and judgement, they respond to market forces not with blind emotion but with calculated reason. Successful investors, for example, demonstrate caution in frothy markets and steadfast conviction in panicky ones. Indeed, the very way an investor views the market and it’s price fluctuations is a key factor in his or her ultimate investment success or failure  (Market Quotes) Interestingly, we have beaten the market quite handsomely over this time frame, although beating the market has never been our objective. Rather, we have consistently tried not to lose money and, in doing so, have not only protected on the downside but also outperformed on the upside  (Market Quotes) In an efficient market at any point in time the actual price of a security will be a good estimate of its intrinsic value  (Market Quotes) The use of market values and technology as a social barometer has devalued the worth of individuals, rendered irrelevant the quality of their lives, and stunted their creativity  (Market Quotes) If you’re attacking your market from multiple positions and your competition isn’t, you have all the advantage and it will show up in your increased success and income  (Market Quotes) You had a lot of novice investors who got into the market looking for easy money, without any regard to the fundamentals. These stocks were running on fumes  (Market Quotes) It would be rare to find a woman who hadn’t endured some kind of ridicule for stepping out of line. When the market dictates that a woman’s value is primarily attached to her looks and deferential behaviour, it’s the threat of sexually degrading insults that help to keep her in check  (Market Quotes) The market insures that any quantity of money is capable of performing all the work required of a medium of exchange by adjusting its purchasing power to the underlying conditions of supply and demand  (Market Quotes) Open innovation is a paradigm that assumes that firms can and should use external ideas as well as internal ideas, and internal and external paths to market, as the firms look to advance their technology  (Market Quotes) The government needs the help of industry. But the reality is companies will balance that against their own commercial interest in a very competitive market  (Market Quotes) People say what we’re doing is holding out when in reality the teams are trying to crush the draft market because they don’t want to pay fair market value  (Market Quotes) China has been a textbook case of how the government did just enough intervention to increase penetration, but the reality is that it isn’t going to work for all countries in the same way. Culture always plays a role and you can’t necessarily take what worked in one market and automatically make it work somewhere else  (Market Quotes) I think prices have been moving more on speculation than reality. But this is a market that has been driven by fear for two or three years  (Market Quotes) Our success is a direct result of knowing how to market a brand and having the right people representing the brand  (Market Quotes) If you know your strength it never becomes a weakness. If the market knows your strength then it becomes a weakness  (Market Quotes) Banks and other providers of credit to households have been competing vigorously to expand or protect their market share. In the process, lending standards have been progressively eroded so that lenders are now engaging in practices that would have been regarded as out of the question five or ten years ago  (Market Quotes) The history of media is the market share of advertising dollars has followed.. albeit with a lag  (Market Quotes) Market competition is the only form of organization which can afford a large measure of freedom to the individual  (Market Quotes) Write a book you’d like to read. If you wouldn’t read it, why would anybody else? Don’t write for a perceived audience or market. It may well have vanished by the time your book’s ready  (Market Quotes) Our competitors aren’t taking our market share with devices; they are taking our market share with an entire ecosystem  (Market Quotes) Deployment of broadband may be hampered by market failures in rural and remote areas. In such cases, well targeted state aid may therefore be appropriate  (Market Quotes) Whatever money you may need for the next five years, please take it out of the stock market right now, this week  (Market Quotes) On the free market, everyone earns according to his productive value in satisfying consumer desires. Under statist distribution, everyone earns in proportion to the amount he can plunder from the producers  (Market Quotes) He that comes in print because he would be known, is like the fool that comes into the market because he would be seen  (Market Quotes) I don’t want the technology of the 1950s, but I want the free market of the 1950s  (Market Quotes) Socialism is not about big concepts and heavy theory. Socialism is about decent shelter for those who are homeless. It is about water for those who have no safe drinking water. It is about health care, it is about a life of dignity for the old. It is about overcoming the huge divide between urban and rural areas. It is about a decent education for all our people. Socialism is about rolling back the tyranny of the market. As long as the economy is dominated by an unelected, privileged few, the case for socialism will exist  (Market Quotes) Gold was not selected arbitrarily by governments to be the monetary standard. Gold had developed for many centuries on the free market as the best money; as the commodity providing the most stable and desirable monetary medium  (Market Quotes) You’ll learn more in a day talking to customers than a week of brainstorming, a month of watching competitors, or a year of market research  (Market Quotes)
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