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You’re either making a market or disrupting a market. Entering a market is usually the wrong way to go  (Market Quotes) You may have seen have seen me in such places as your local market in a tabloid  (Market Quotes) My recipes aren’t geared towards women; my books are marketed towards women because women are the biggest market for weight loss, weight management and weight maintenance and for cooking  (Market Quotes) You get recessions, you have stock market declines. If you don’t understand that’s going to happen, then you’re not ready, you won’t do well in the markets  (Market Quotes) If you could get all the people in an organization rowing in the same direction, you could dominate any industry, in any market, against any competition, at any time  (Market Quotes) We’re keenly aware that when we develop and make something and bring it to market that it really does speak to a set of values. And what preoccupies us is that sense of care, and what our products will not speak to is a schedule, what our products will not speak to is trying to respond to some corporate or competitive agenda. We’re very genuinely designing the best products that we can for people  (Market Quotes) We believe in the art of war. We are trying to get our competition to attack us with angry, virulent energy, so we can transform that into larger market share  (Market Quotes) The pace of change for entrepreneurs is rapidly accelerating, and the cost and risk of launching a new business and getting off the ground is just amazing. The ability to gain user feedback really quickly and adapt to what your consumers want is totally different with the web as it is now. But finding a new market, helping people and taking that original idea and turning it into a business is really exciting right now  (Market Quotes) I used to think that if there was reincarnation, I wanted to come back as the president or the pope or as a.400 baseball hitter. But now I would like to come back as the bond market. You can intimidate everybody  (Market Quotes) The first company to produce a certified two seat electric aircraft with a 1.5 hour range will dominate the aviation training market  (Market Quotes) I believe the very best money is made at the market turns. Everyone says you get killed trying to pick tops and bottoms and you make all your money by playing the trend in the middle. Well for twelve years I have been missing the meat in the middle but I have made a lot of money at tops and bottoms  (Market Quotes) First if all, never play macho man in the market. Second, never overtrade. My major problem was not the number of points I lost on the trade, but that I was trading far too many contracts relative to the equity in the accounts that I handled  (Market Quotes) We do not expect significant spillovers from the subprime market to the rest of the economy or to the financial system  (Market Quotes) It is absurd to think that the general public can ever make money out of market forecasts  (Market Quotes) I see myself as an athlete and just try to market myself as a feminine athlete  (Market Quotes) There is only one winning strategy. It is to carefully define the target market and direct a superior offering to that target market  (Market Quotes) Markets really matter. Because the bigger the market, the more targets there are for the missile to hit  (Market Quotes) The world clings to its old mental picture of the stock market because it’s comforting; because it’s so hard to draw a picture of what has replaced it; and because the few people able to draw it for you have no interest in doing so  (Market Quotes) In the stock market, when you are right, you make a little money; when you are wrong, you learn a lot of lessons, so you always win!  (Market Quotes) The players are too serious. They don’t have any fun any more. They come to camp with a financial adviser and they read the stock market page before the sports pages. They concern themselves with statistics rather than simply playing the game and enjoying it for what it is  (Market Quotes) Normally I would not recommend a book that tells you how to make money in the stock market. Most of these books are aimed at gullible folk, and they usually make much more money for their authors than they do for the investing public  (Market Quotes) When we paint, whether it is on our bodies for ceremony or on bark or canvas for the market, we’re not just painting for fun or profit, we’re painting as we always have done to demonstrate our continuing link with our country and the rights and responsibilities we have to it  (Market Quotes) Political reform need not go hand in hand with economic liberalization.. I hold unconventional views about this.. I do not believe if you are a libertarian, full of diverse opinions, full of competing ideas in the market place, full of sound and fury, therefore you will succeed  (Market Quotes) It is the job of the market to turn the base material of our emotions into gold  (Market Quotes) Before you start trying to work out which direction the property market is headed, you should be aware that there are markets within markets  (Market Quotes) Start with a growing market. Swim in a stream that becomes a river and ultimately an ocean. Be a leader in that market, not a follower, and constantly build the best products possible  (Market Quotes) Carefully watch how people live, get an intuitive sense as to what they might want and then go with it. Don’t do market research  (Market Quotes) By regulating marijuana, we can put black market drug dealers out of business and eliminate the rebellious allure that attracts young people  (Market Quotes) Together, the property rights and public choice schools show only that, if you start by assuming a purely individualistic model of human behavior and treat politics as if it were a pale imitation of the market, democracy will, indeed, make no sense  (Market Quotes) The key reason executives are paid so much now is that they appoint the members of the corporate board that determines their compensation and control many of the perks that board members count on. So it’s not the invisible hand of the market that leads to those monumental executive incomes; it’s the invisible handshake in the boardroom  (Market Quotes)
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