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The thing that makes reading and writing suspect in the eyes of the market economy is that it’s not corrupted  (Market Quotes) I got about 6037 songs I wrote myself and I’m trying to get them on the market and I just wish people could hear them and stuff but they’ll do pretty good  (Market Quotes) Newspaper companies are losing advertisers, readers, market value, and, in some cases, their sense of mission at a pace that would have been barely imaginable just four years ago  (Market Quotes) Releasing a record is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the promotion of the product, but you have to play the game if you are to have a chance of competing in the market place  (Market Quotes) There is no good reason for our cattle producers to have such limited market access. Our beef is the best in the world, and we need to be allowed to reach global markets  (Market Quotes) We have very specific rules about how we go to market with children, and I think they are very responsible  (Market Quotes) When the market is just going up, up, and up, we all tend to be blind to the holes in the market. They’re all papered over by the rise  (Market Quotes) The market tends to pay as a wage what an individual laborer is worth. But the case last studied suggests the question how accurately the law operates in practice. May it not be an honest law, but be so vitiated in its working as to give a dishonest result?  (Market Quotes) Even if someone is already in your market space, ask yourself whether you can approach it from a different angle and thereby secure your own customer base  (Market Quotes) Well, we’re trying to patch and fix and put a cast on a broken system here. You can call it what you want, but we’ll continue to purchase power in a private market  (Market Quotes) The pollution they produce, market, sell, and show to billions around the world is at its core contemptuous of the country that gave them better lives than nearly 100 percent of everybody who’s ever lived. and they pass that contempt along for everyone to see  (Market Quotes) Well, you would have to say what is the criteria to determine the success of any merger? It would have to be that the companies are stronger financially, that they took market share, and they are on a very steady footing in terms of their performance  (Market Quotes) As a small company our fastest way to market was going to be by working with other retailers that were known for pioneering new technologies and categories  (Market Quotes) A market that’s as open as possible is the precondition for a successful economy, and a successful economy is the precondition to being able to pay for social security  (Market Quotes) If you had the opportunity and some talent, there was no way you couldn’t progress, because it was an open market. There was the advertising world, and there was the documentary world  (Market Quotes) I responded that we needed a private sector to improve the market situation and make peoples lives easier  (Market Quotes) They said I was a married mother of two but the record sounded like an indie album and they didn’t know how to market it! This country is incredibly sexist, as is the music and media industry  (Market Quotes) I look forward to the day that a lot of the folks that you all talk about and cover on this network will begin to market products for these families and for these kids coming out of junior high school and high school all across the country  (Market Quotes) I think the market is always going to be around. The goal is not to say, let’s get rid of the market, because the market does render a huge number of services, and I don’t want to have a fight about the price of something every time I buy a book or a bottle of water  (Market Quotes) The globalization of the capital market is actually part of economic globalization. This will create a change in the entire world economy, not just restricted to some fields in some countries  (Market Quotes) The expansion of the market creates a need for enhanced and more regular supply, and this in turn impels commercial capital to acquire control of production as well  (Market Quotes) I think the wonderful thing about vi is that it has such a good market share because we gave it away  (Market Quotes) The moral spectacle of capitalism still offends, as does American capitalism’s implacable insistence that the market determine value even in the political, intellectual, and artistic spheres  (Market Quotes) But, as soon as speculators become an important influence in the market, their business is to speculate on each others behaviour  (Market Quotes) It is much easier to organize control over one industry serving many markets than over one market served by the products of several industries  (Market Quotes) Living in a market economy is not very different from speaking in prose. It is not easy to do without it, but much depends on what we choose to use prose  (Market Quotes) When I started the paperback market, there were only a few good writers, now the market’s loaded... You don’t know which one to take  (Market Quotes) And each of these perspectives comes to the same conclusion, which is that our global economy is out of control and performing contrary to basic principles of market economics  (Market Quotes) The growth of means of transport has created a world market and an opportunity for division of labor embracing all the developed and most of the undeveloped states  (Market Quotes) One way for investors to protect themselves from a rapid change in the price of a stock is to use a limit order rather than a market order  (Market Quotes)
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