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We no longer have a free market in the United States, we have a government controlled free market  (Market Quotes) By March 87 we’re down to seven thousand, by the end of the year we’re down to twelve hundred. The whole bottom just fell out of the market. It was bad for me because I was in Australia at the time  (Market Quotes) But in terms of the code by which we go to market - it’s not telling kids to supersize, we’re not selling them, generally, products, in the advertising we do to them  (Market Quotes) We are also looking to Canada as we continue to integrate the North American energy market  (Market Quotes) Japan’s inexplicable lack of response to even consider a move to re-open their market to U. S. Beef will sorely tempt economic trade action against Japan  (Market Quotes) The mobile market is exploding and it makes perfect sense for a media company like ours to create a real content destination for the billions of cell-phone users around the world  (Market Quotes) Because of the love affair between the American public and the stock market, it is possible for entrepreneurs, technological visionaries and inventors of every sort to get financing  (Market Quotes) The American public historically was really not part of the stock market  (Market Quotes) There is no country in the world where it’s as easy to find venture capital in the stock market as the United States  (Market Quotes) If a product is more expensive than another one and more sustainable in ecology, consumers will not buy it. We’re in a very sharp competitive market  (Market Quotes) Grace is given of God, but knowledge is bought in the market; Knowledge needful for all, yet cannot be had for the asking  (Market Quotes) If your house has been on the market for more than four months, take it off the market and re-list it in two months as ‘new  (Market Quotes) In software, speed to market, speed to learning is really key. In hardware, if you screw it up, you’re dead. So accuracy really matters  (Market Quotes) I want to write the sort the book that my people want to read, even if the market is small  (Market Quotes) By saying Make in India, we are not only inviting companies for cost-effective manufacturing, but also giving them an opportunity of a large market for their products  (Market Quotes) A term like capitalism is incredibly slippery, because there’s such a range of different kinds of market economies  (Market Quotes) Every relationship can feel saturated by market logic or at best purchased at the price of the immiseration of others  (Market Quotes) Competitiveness is just as much a part of our nature as empathy. The ideal, in my view, is a democratic system with a social market economy, because it takes both tendencies into account  (Market Quotes) There is nothing the state can do, and which society needs done, that cannot be done far better by the market  (Market Quotes) The free market is constantly under attack from those who believe that they know how to make the world a better place with properly administered doses of state coercion  (Market Quotes) True, the free market ignores the poor precisely as it does not recognize the wealthy - it is ‘no respecter of persons’  (Market Quotes) Within the market society each serves all his fellow citizens and each is served by them. It is a system of mutual exchange of services and commodities, a mutual giving, and receiving  (Market Quotes) The costs of government are bound to be much higher than those of the free market. . .The State cannot calculate well and therefore cannot gauge its costs accurately  (Market Quotes) You have to understand what market history looks like. What market history tells you is that the very, very best investments are made when things look the worst  (Market Quotes) Financially, it was very successful. Which is the most important thing. That is the only way you get to make another movie. It’s very simple. The market will value you  (Market Quotes) The export market is based, on high-paying jobs. I`ve seen statistics that show that people make over 88 a year generally benefit from this because these are export jobs  (Market Quotes) In market terms, one is entitled to what others will offer in willing exchange. That is all!  (Market Quotes) It’s very early in the market. I don’t want to pretend I know exactly how this rolls out. But there’s been an enormous amount of interest  (Market Quotes) The market is like the police: of course you need it, but if it becomes the central organizing principle of your culture then you’re in deep trouble  (Market Quotes) Touring definitely helps sell albums. Things have changed. I’ve noticed now more than ever when you market an album, get radio play/video play etc. it helps sell albums but it helps get more shows  (Market Quotes)
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