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My father was a fish market porter. So I grew up on fish, because he used to steal one a day, I grew up on the very best fish that money could buy, ‘cause he only stole the good stuff  (Market Quotes) I don’t invest in the stock market, but I have pension funds - some in America and the UK  (Market Quotes) Generally Canadian films are smaller. I think the market here is a tenth of the size of the States. So there’s less resources to put into the films  (Market Quotes) Black Market, like a lot of teams, is a family for me. Just guys that I grew up with that I trust and would do anything for  (Market Quotes) Actresses feel immense pressure to keep up. Nobody wants someone who doesn’t know how to market themselves  (Market Quotes) I’m very concerned about the increasing distortion of research by the intrusion of the market. Universities are beginning to see science as a means of attracting funds  (Market Quotes) That, to me, is a kind of brilliant environmental ju-jitsu - using the energy of the market and the profit-motive to get businesses to invest in preserving and improving natural systems  (Market Quotes) I’m a farmer’s market girl, so if you go and get beautiful, fresh fruit, that’s local, and it hasn’t been frozen yet, it’s pretty fantastic  (Market Quotes) At the core of the European Union must be, as it is now, the single market. Britain is at the heart of that Single Market, and must remain so  (Market Quotes) It is nonsense that people shopping online in some parts of Europe are unable to access the best deals because of where they live. I want completing the single market to be our driving mission  (Market Quotes) This issue is not economic but political. I hope that all market participants interested in maintaining stable and reasonable world energy prices will finally make the right decision  (Market Quotes) It is true that the role of the state in the Russian economy may be too big today, but from the fiscal standpoint, it is not always practical to do this in a falling market  (Market Quotes) Gambling has a zero-sum economic effect in its market and, like legalizing cocaine, the socio-economic costs of legalizing gambling overwhelm the benefits  (Market Quotes) And as far as jobs go, for every one job that the casino creates, one is lost in the 35-mile feeder market  (Market Quotes) Warren Buffett is fond of saying that any player unaware of the fool in the market probably is the fool in the market  (Market Quotes) If I have noticed anything over these 60 years on Wall Street, it is that people do not succeed in forecasting what’s going to happen to the stock market  (Market Quotes) There’s nothing that would keep Apple out of the Android market as a secondary phone market  (Market Quotes) While rising delinquencies and foreclosures will continue to weigh heavily on the housing market this year, it will not cripple the U. S  (Market Quotes) Advice is the only commodity on the market where the supply always exceeds the demand  (Market Quotes) In reality, no one knows what the market will do; trying to predict it is a waste of time, and investing based upon that prediction is a speculative undertaking  (Market Quotes) Stock market bubbles don’t grow out of thin air. They have a solid basis in reality, but reality as distorted by a misconception  (Market Quotes) When a publisher spends an inordinate amount on an acquisition, it will do everything in its power to make that project a market success  (Market Quotes) In the short run, the market is a voting machine, but in the long run it is a weighing machine  (Market Quotes) The worst of failure in this kind is that it spoils the market for more competent performers  (Market Quotes) Congratulations on naming your baby after something you saw at a farmer’s market  (Market Quotes) Losses of a kind of satisfaction that have no market equivalent don’t show up in the calculations of economists  (Market Quotes) It’s crucial that the produce I buy and eventually discard comes from the local farmer’s market  (Market Quotes) Given the nature of market, the chance of a crash is always greater than the chance of an overnight runaway euphoria  (Market Quotes) Competition, free enterprise, and an open market were never meant to be symbolic fig leaves for corporate socialism and monopolistic capitalism  (Market Quotes) A defensive investor can always prosper by looking patiently and calmly through the wreckage of a bear market  (Market Quotes)
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