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Maroon Quotes

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Maroon 5 is crazy to me, I would love to work with them  (Maroon Quotes) I have a lot of different influences. Everything from Maroon 5, Gwen Stefani, The Clash, Kanye West - just a lot of different artists  (Maroon Quotes) I really love hip hop. My cousin Nas came out with an album Life Is Good, and I love that album, but I also love Maroon 5  (Maroon Quotes) If I could tour with anyone, I’d go with either Maroon 5, or Dave Matthews. No lets go with Sting, he will be my all time favorite...wait no I want to go on tour with the Police.  (Maroon Quotes) I can’t tell you what genre Maroon 5 is in. I don’t know if they’re rock or pop or alternative. I don’t know what they are. I have a hard time separating that stuff. I just know what I like when I hear it.  (Maroon Quotes) People see you on TV every day, they start knowing your name. You know, I was always just the guy from Maroon 5 until I became myself.  (Maroon Quotes) The liver, that great maroon snail: No wave of emotion sweeps it. Neither music nor mathematics gives it pause in its appointed tasks.  (Maroon Quotes)