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Marriage Advice Quotes

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The basic fact is you can either be happily married, or you can be right, but you can’t be both  (Marriage Advice Quotes) Never stop being your husband's girlfriend  (Marriage Advice Quotes) Don't force together pieces that don't fit  (Marriage Advice Quotes) Love is all about compromise  (Marriage Advice Quotes) Loving someone isn't just about saying it every day, its showing it every day in every way  (Marriage Advice Quotes) Never advise anyone to go to war or to marry  (Marriage Advice Quotes) Don't go to bed angry  (Marriage Advice Quotes) Admit when you're wrong, shut up when you're right  (Marriage Advice Quotes) Choose your wife as you wish your children to be  (Marriage Advice Quotes) The only guy you need in your life is the one that proves that he needs you in his  (Marriage Advice Quotes) Two can live as cheaply as one  (Marriage Advice Quotes) Fitness is like marriage. You can't cheat on it and expect it to work  (Marriage Advice Quotes) I'd rather marry a poor man with a rich heart, than a rich man with a poor heart  (Marriage Advice Quotes) Happiness is being married to your best friend  (Marriage Advice Quotes) Don't stop doing what you did to get them once you have them  (Marriage Advice Quotes) A "perfect marriage" is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other  (Marriage Advice Quotes) Communicate more. Conversation can solve most problems  (Marriage Advice Quotes) In marriage, being right is less important than being supportive. Remember: Happy wife equals happy life  (Marriage Advice Quotes) Some of the best advice I got from a close friend is marriage is always looked at from the world as 50/50 as to working together to make that 100 percent.  (Marriage Advice Quotes) One should always be in love. That is the reason one should never marry  (Marriage Advice Quotes) If she says "do whatever you want", do NOT do whatever you want  (Marriage Advice Quotes) Falling in love is easy, staying in love requires work  (Marriage Advice Quotes) A happy relationship is made up of two good forgivers  (Marriage Advice Quotes) Don't fight about money because after you've said mean things to each other, the amount of money in the bank will be the same  (Marriage Advice Quotes) Many marriages would be better if the husband and wife clearly understood that they're on the same side  (Marriage Advice Quotes) Relationships are not about "I want this" or "I want that", they are about two people caring for the other's desires  (Marriage Advice Quotes) Remember, your spouse will still be there after your kids are gone  (Marriage Advice Quotes) Don't marry someone you don't want your children to be  (Marriage Advice Quotes) True love is about growing as a couple, learning about each other and not giving up on each other  (Marriage Advice Quotes) Relationships are equal parts give and take. One person can't always give while the other one takes  (Marriage Advice Quotes)
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