Marriage: that I call the will of two to create the one who is more than those who created it

Marriage: that I call the will of two to create the one who is more than those who created it
Friedrich Nietzsche, a German philosopher known for his radical ideas on morality, religion, and culture, had a unique perspective on marriage. In his quote, “Marriage: that I call the will of two to create the one who is more than those who created it,” Nietzsche delves into the concept of marriage as a union that transcends the individual identities of the two people involved.Nietzsche believed that marriage was not just a legal or social contract, but a spiritual and existential bond between two individuals. He saw marriage as a partnership in which two people come together to create something greater than themselves. This idea of creating a new entity through the union of two individuals reflects Nietzsche’s belief in the power of human will and creativity.
For Nietzsche, marriage was a way for individuals to overcome their own limitations and reach a higher state of being. By joining forces with another person, individuals could tap into a collective energy that would enable them to achieve more than they could on their own. In this sense, marriage was a means of self-transcendence and personal growth.
Nietzsche also saw marriage as a form of self-expression and self-creation. In coming together with another person, individuals had the opportunity to shape and mold their own identities in new and unexpected ways. By engaging in a relationship with another person, individuals could explore different aspects of themselves and discover hidden depths of their own being.
Overall, Nietzsche’s quote on marriage reflects his belief in the transformative power of human relationships. He saw marriage as a way for individuals to break free from their own limitations and create something new and unique. In this sense, marriage was not just a social institution, but a profound and meaningful expression of human will and creativity.