Marry Quotes

Text Quotes
I think that men know how to romance a woman and most do it well, at least for a time, otherwise women wouldn't marry them. The problem is that most of them begin to rest on their laurels (Marry Quotes)
The first thing I did when I sold my book was buy a new wedding ring for my wife and asked her to marry me all over again (Marry Quotes)
Every mother hopes that her daughter will marry a better man than she did, and is convinced that her son will never find a wife as good as his father did (Marry Quotes)
It ought to be illegal for an artist to marry. If the artist must marry let him find someone more interested in art, or his art, or the artist part of him, than in him. After which let them take tea together three times a week (Marry Quotes)
Ay, marry, uncle; for I always thought it was both impious and unnatural that such immanity and bloody strife should reign among professors of one faith (Marry Quotes)
If thou dost marry, I'll give thee this plague for thy dowry: be thou as chaste as ice, as pure as snow, thou shalt not escape calumny (Marry Quotes)
By all means, marry. If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher (Marry Quotes)
Women who marry early are often overly enamored of the kind of man who looks great in wedding pictures and passes the maid of honor his telephone number (Marry Quotes)
I never nursed a dear Gazelle to glad me with its soft black eye, but when it came to know me well, and love me, it was sure to marry a market gardener (Marry Quotes)
For an artist to marry his model is as fatal as for a gourmet to marry his cook: The one gets no sittings, and the other gets no dinners (Marry Quotes)
In my generation, except for a few people who'd gone into banking or nursing or something like that, middle class women didn't have careers. You were to marry and have children and be a nice mother. You didn't go out and do anything. I found that I got restless (Marry Quotes)
My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to persuade my wife to marry me (Marry Quotes)
Marrying her to prove I do not subscribe to an outdated convention of class would be just as foolish as refusing to marry her because I did (Marry Quotes)
I wanted to marry Lucifer... I don't consider Lucifer an evil force...I feel his presence with his music. I feel like he comes and sits on my piano (Marry Quotes)
If you're that hypersensitive about color and don't have a sense of humor, don't marry out of your race (Marry Quotes)
Marry, you are the wiser man; for many a man's tongue shakes out his master's undoing (Marry Quotes)
If you shall marry, you give away this hand, and this is mine; you give away heaven's vows, and those are mine; you give away myself, which is known mine; for I by vow am so embodied yours that she which marries you must marry me - either both or none (Marry Quotes)
I think, don't you, that a girl with any delicacy of feeling couldn't bring herself to marry a man indirectly responsible for her father's death. No matter how much she was in love with him (Marry Quotes)
Though I am not imperial, and though Elizabeth may not deserve it, the Queen of England will easily deserve to have an emperor's son to marry (Marry Quotes)
The sun will stand as your best man and whistle when you have found the courage to marry forgiveness when you have found the courage to marry love (Marry Quotes)
How can a bishop marry? How can he flirt? the most he can say is I will see you in the vestry after service (Marry Quotes)
Blue jean baby, LA lady, seamstress for the band. Pretty eyed, pirate smile, you'll marry a music man. Ballerina, you must have seen her dancing in the sand (Marry Quotes)
The trouble with some women is that they get all excited about nothing - and then marry him (Marry Quotes)
Even hooligans marry, though they know that marriage is for a little while. It is alimony that is for ever (Marry Quotes)
If anybody does marry you it will be for the pleasure of hearing you talk piffle (Marry Quotes)
Strong views exist on both sides but I believe MPs voting for gay people being able to marry too, is a step forward for our country (Marry Quotes)
Yea, marry, now it is somewhat, for now it is rhyme; before, it was neither rhyme nor reason (Marry Quotes)
This I set down as a positive truth. A woman with fair opportunities, and without a positive hump, may marry whom she likes (Marry Quotes)
Though we marry as adults, we don’t marry adults. We marry children who have grown up and still rejoice in being children, especially if we’re creative (Marry Quotes)
They can get married. They can marry a man if they’re a woman. Or they can marry a woman if they’re a man... there are no special rights for people based upon your sex practices. There’s no special rights based upon what you do in your sex life. You’re an American citizen first and foremost and that’s it (Marry Quotes)