Marshall McLuhan Quotes

Text Quotes
Most people are alive in an earlier time, but you must be alive in our own time (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Transmitted at the speed of light, all events on this planet are simultaneous. In the electric environment of information all events are simultaneous, there is no time or space separating events (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
I am curious to know what would happen if art were suddenly seen for what it is, namely, exact information of how to rearrange one’s psyche in order to anticipate the next blow from our own extended faculties (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Language does for intelligence what the wheel does for the feet and the body. It enables them to move from thing to thing with greater ease and speed and ever less involvement (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
All the new media are art forms which have the power of imposing, like poetry, their own assumptions (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Logos is the formal cause of the kosmos and all things, responsible for their nature and configuration (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
It is always the psychic and social grounds, brought into play by each medium or technology, that readjust the balance of the hemispheres and of human sensibilities into equilibrium with those grounds (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Radical changes of identity, happening suddenly and in very brief intervals of time, have proved more deadly and destructive of human values than wars fought with hardware weapons (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
The task confronting contemporary man is to live with the hidden ground of his activities as familiarly as our literate predecessors lived with the figure minus ground (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
It is perhaps typical of very creative minds that they hit very large nails not quite on the head (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Language always preserves a play or figure/ground relation between experience, and perception and its replay in expression (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
The laws of the media, in tetrad form, bring logos and formal cause up to date to reveal analytically the structure of all human artefacts (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
It’s misleading to suppose there’s any basic difference between education and entertainment. This distinction merely relieves people of the responsibility of looking into the matter (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
The fall or scrapping of a cultural world puts us all into the same archetypal cesspool, engendering nostalgia for earlier conditions (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Medieval and ancient sensibility now dominates our time as acoustic and multisensory awareness displaces the merely visual (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Any understanding of social and cultural change is impossible without a knowledge of the way media work as environments (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
To see a man slip on a banana skin is to see a rationally structured system suddenly translated into a whirling machine (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Most clear writing is a sign that there is no exploration going on. Clear prose indicates the absence of thought (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Typography tended to alter language from a means of perception and exploration to a portable commodity (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Our technology forces us to live mythically, but we continue to think fragmentarily, and on single, separate planes (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
The village had institutionalized all human functions in forms of low intensity... Participation was high and organization was low. This is the formula for stability (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
When two seemingly disparate elements are imaginatively poised put in apposition in new and unique ways, startling discoveries often result (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
It has always been the artist who realizes that the future is the present and uses his work to prepare the grounds for it (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
All meaning alters with acceleration, because all patterns of personal and political interdependence change with any acceleration of information (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Sentimentality, like pornography, is fragmented emotion; a natural consequence of a high visual gradient in any culture (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
As the unity of the modern world becomes increasingly a technological rather than a social affair, the techniques of the arts provide the most valuable means of insight into the real direction of our own collective purposes (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Canada is the only country in the world that knows how to live without an identity (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Far more thought and care go into the composition of any prominent ad in a newspaper or magazine than go into the writing of their features and editorials (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
For tribal man space was the uncontrollable mystery. For technological man it is time that occupies the same role (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Ideally, advertising aims at the goal of a programmed harmony among all human impulses and aspirations and endeavors. Using handicraft methods, it stretches out toward the ultimate electronic goal of a collective consciousness (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)