Marshall McLuhan Quotes

Text Quotes
One of the effects of living with electric information is that we live habitually in a state of information overload. There’s always more than you can cope with (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Today it is not the classroom nor the classics which are the repositories of models of eloquence, but the ad agencies (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Today the tyrant rules not by club or fist, but disguised as a market researcher, he shepherds his flocks in the ways of utility and comfort (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
When producers want to know what the public wants, they graph it as curves. When they want to tell the public what to get, they say it in curves (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Where the whole man is involved there is no work. Work begins with the division of labor (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
The greatest propaganda in the world is our mother tongue, that is what we learn as children, and which we learn unconsciously. That shapes our perceptions for life. That is propaganda at its most extreme form (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Every innovation scraps its immediate predecessor and retrieves still older figures – it causes floods of antiques or nostalgic art forms and stimulates the search for museum pieces (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Attention spans get very weak at the speed of light, and that goes along with a very week identity (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
In television, images are projected at you. You are the screen. The images wrap around you. You are the vanishing point (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Violence, whether spiritual or physical, is a quest for identity and the meaningful. The less identity, the more violence (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Literacy, the visual technology, dissolved the tribal magic by means of its stress on fragmentation and specialization and created the individual (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Man works when he is partially involved. When he is totally involved he is at play or leisure (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
The young today cannot follow narrative but they are alert to drama. They cannot bear description but they love landscape and action (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
The successor to politics will be propaganda. Propaganda, not in the sense of a message or ideology, but as the impact of the whole technology of the times (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
As technology advances, it reverses the characteristics of every situation again and again. The age of automation is going to be the age of ‘do it yourself.’ (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
The only people who have proof of their sanity are those who have been discharged from mental institutions (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
We look at the present through a rear view mirror. We march backwards into the future (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
In big industry new ideas are invited to rear their heads so they can be clobbered at once. The idea department of a big firm is a sort of lab for isolating dangerous viruses (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
As the age of information demands the simultaneous use of all our faculties, we discover that we are most at leisure when we are most intensely involved (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Good taste is the first refuge of the non creative. It is the last ditch stand of the artist (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Why is it so easy to acquire the solutions of past problems and so difficult to solve current ones (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Today we are beginning to notice that the new media are not just mechanical gimmicks for creating worlds of illusion, but new languages with new and unique powers of expression (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
A new medium is never an addition to an old one, nor does it leave the old one in peace. It never ceases to oppress the older media until it finds new shapes and positions for them (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
The movie, by sheer speeding up of the mechanical, carried us from the world of sequence and connections into the world of creative configurations and structure (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Control over change would seem to consist in moving not with it but ahead of it. Anticipation gives the power to deflect and control force (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
The new media and technologies by which we amplify and extend ourselves constitute huge collective surgery carried out on the social body with complete disregard for antiseptics (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Like primitive, we now live in a global village of our own making, a simultaneous happening. It doesn’t necessarily mean harmony and peace and quiet but it does mean huge involvement in everybody else’s affairs (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Those conspiracies that are too incredible to be believed, are by the same right, those which most often succeed (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
Only the small secrets need to be protected. The large ones are kept secret by public incredulity (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)
The products of modern science are not in themselves good or bad; it is the way they are used that determines their value (Marshall McLuhan Quotes)