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Martial Arts Quotes

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A student’s mentality in learning martial arts is to overcome one’s problems  (Martial Arts Quotes) If I go as hard as I can in practice, make sure it’s a lot harder than than a fight, then the fight’s going to be easy  (Martial Arts Quotes) Living the dream is simply a form of living out your passion, of making that passion gradually, through persistence and effort, a central part of your life  (Martial Arts Quotes) To practice kata is not to memorize an order. Find the katas that work for you, understand them, digest them and stick with them for life  (Martial Arts Quotes) Always assume that your opponent is going to be bigger, stronger and faster than you; so that you learn to rely on technique, timing and leverage rather than brute strength  (Martial Arts Quotes) I knew I wasn’t going to lose and that was based on the fact that I wanted not to lose  (Martial Arts Quotes) It’s not a one time heroic moment but is living each day with bravery  (Martial Arts Quotes) True strength is not always shown through victory. Stand up, try again and display strength of heart  (Martial Arts Quotes) The most important thing is not victory, the most important thing is don’t get defeated  (Martial Arts Quotes) Everyone feels fear. What a samurai or warrior is, is what you do when you feel fear  (Martial Arts Quotes) You do brutal workouts to get used to suffering so suffering doesn’t become a defining deal  (Martial Arts Quotes) In randori we learn employ the principle of maximum efficiency even when we could easily overpower an opponent  (Martial Arts Quotes) My worst day in the gym is still more fun than my best day in the office!  (Martial Arts Quotes) Obstacles aren’t there to stop you. They are put there to show you how powerful you can feel when you run right over them  (Martial Arts Quotes) The goal of all your hard work should be to make your reality everyone else’s fantasy land  (Martial Arts Quotes) To be your best today, your only goal is to outperform the guy you were yesterday  (Martial Arts Quotes) A belt does nothing but hold your gi together. A belt has assigned significance, a belt is someone else saying you’re good, you don’t need other people saying that you’re good in order to be good  (Martial Arts Quotes) All my life, following the warrior’s code has taken me to places I was afraid to go. But always when I got there I was glad I made the journey  (Martial Arts Quotes) They say that a lion puts his all, even into catching a rabbit. You should make it a habit of putting your all into every little thing you do  (Martial Arts Quotes) When defeated ask yourself what mistakes invited the attack. This kind of positive thinking any fighter must possess  (Martial Arts Quotes) If losing a fight is the worst thing that’s ever happened to you in your life, you’re doing pretty good  (Martial Arts Quotes) One of my life’s principles is to develop myself to the maximum of my potential in all ways and to help others do the same  (Martial Arts Quotes) Punch a black belt in the face, he becomes a brown belt. Punch him again, purple  (Martial Arts Quotes) People study martial arts for many reasons, sometimes all the wrong reasons. For example, I have had potential students come to my dojo with a belligerent and cocky attitude. When I ask why they want to study my art, their response has indicated to me that their goal is to learn to fight, which is the antithesis of the philosophy I hope to instill: I want them to know how to defend themselves if necessary, but to avoid fighting whenever possible because they will have nothing to prove by fighting  (Martial Arts Quotes) When you die, it does not mean that you lose to cancer, you beat cancer by how you live, why you live and in the manner in which you live  (Martial Arts Quotes) Karate aims to build character, improve human behavior, and cultivate modesty; it does not, however, guarantee it  (Martial Arts Quotes) If you change the rules on what controls you... you will change the rules on what you can control  (Martial Arts Quotes) Do not fall into the trap of thinking that just because a kata begins to the left that the opponent is attacking from the left  (Martial Arts Quotes) Even the most powerful human being has a limited sphere of strength. Draw him outside of that sphere and into your own, and his strength will dissipate  (Martial Arts Quotes) I was a dancer for fifteen years, and I think a lot of what dancing gives you crosses over so much into anything to do with fighting, martial arts, anything action  (Martial Arts Quotes)
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