Martin H Fischer Quotes

Text Quotes
Don’t confuse hypothesis and theory. The former is a possible explanation; the latter, the correct one. The establishment of theory is the very purpose of science (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
The public is hedged about by so many goddam bookkeepers that no time is left in which to produce. More time is spent in carrying out garbage than in carrying in food (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
The first attribute that characterizes the greater man from the moron is his thicker layer of inhibition (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
The only man we have any respect for, is he who uses all the endowment he has, and uses it until he bleeds (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
We use our brains too little, and when we do, it is only to make excuses for our reflexes and our instincts (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
The public blabbers about preventative medicine, but will neither appreciate nor pay for it. You get paid for what you cure (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
The only equipment lack in the modern hospital? Somebody to meet you at the entrance with a handshake! (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
I find four great classes of students: The dumb who stay dumb. The dumb who become wise. The wise who go dumb. The wise who remain wise (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
Any man who does not make himself proficient in at least two languages other than his own is a fool (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
We starve the rats, creosote the ticks, swat the flies, step on the cockroaches and poison the scales. Yet when these pests appear in human form we go paralytic (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
Man embraces in his makeup all the natural orders; he’s a squid, a mollusk, a sucker and a buzzard; sometimes he’s a cerebrate (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
Our moral theorists seem never content with the normal. Why must it always be a contest between fornication, obesity and laziness, and celibacy, fasting and hard labor? (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
The new appears as a minority point of view, and hence is unpopular. The function of a university is to give it a sanctuary (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
A sweating ovary or a sick prostate explains most history (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
Most of the food allergies die under garlic and onion (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
Life goes faster on protein (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
Nowadays the clinical history too often weighs more than the man (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
Bacteria keeps us from heaven and puts us there (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
Our profession is the only one which works unceasingly to annihilate itself (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
Reflexes and instincts are not pretty. It is their decoration that initiates art (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
The natural philosophers are mostly gone. We modern scientists are adding too many decimals (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
Youth disserves; middle age conserves; old age preserves (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
Expect an early death - it will keep you busier (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
A living civilization creates; a dying, builds museums (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
Sweat silently. Let's have no squawking about a little expenditure of energy (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
Minorities are the stars of the firmament; majorities, the darkness in which they float (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
Education is the process of driving a set of prejudices down your throats (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
The tears of the red, yellow, black, brown and white man are all the same (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
The world is your school (Martin H Fischer Quotes)
The inventor of soda crackers has a place in hell (Martin H Fischer Quotes)