Martin Rees Quotes

Text Quotes
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence (Martin Rees Quotes)
Most practising scientists focus on ‘bite-sized’ problems that are timely and tractable. The occupational risk is then to lose sight of the big picture. (Martin Rees Quotes)
The scientific community should work as hard as possible to address major issues that affect our everyday lives such as climate change, infectious diseases and counterterrorism; in particular, ‘clean energy’ research deserves far higher priority. And science and technology are the prime routes to tackling these issues. (Martin Rees Quotes)
If you are teaching Muslim sixth formers in a school, and you tell them they can’t have their God and Darwin, there is a risk they will choose their God and be lost to science. (Martin Rees Quotes)
The carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere is measured. It’s uncontroversial. It’s going up. We know that has a tendency to warm the atmosphere and we should be worried about that. (Martin Rees Quotes)
Whether it is to reduce our carbon-dioxide emissions or to prepare for when the coal and oil run out, we have to continue to seek out new energy sources. (Martin Rees Quotes)
Given the scale of issues like global warming and epidemic disease, we shouldn’t underestimate the importance of a can-do attitude to science rather than a can’t-afford-it attitude. (Martin Rees Quotes)
Manufacturing doesn’t just mean building cars and metal-bashing; it includes making pharmaceuticals and hi-tech electronics. A crucial part of the process is the research and development that allows better and greener products to come to market. Britain has traditionally had a strong science and engineering base. (Martin Rees Quotes)
Some things, like the orbits of the planets, can be calculated far into the future. But that’s atypical. In most contexts, there is a limit. Even the most fine-grained computation can only forecast British weather a few days ahead. There are limits to what can ever be learned about the future, however powerful computers become. (Martin Rees Quotes)
From a personal perspective, I am disappointed that we have yet to really achieve a full understanding of the origins of life on Earth. What was the spark that, billions of years ago, kickstarted the process of evolution that has brought us life as we know it today? I hope that we will get some answers to that in my lifetime. (Martin Rees Quotes)
The first arrival of earthly life on another celestial body ranks as an epochal event not only for our generation, but in the history of our planet. Neil Armstrong was at the cusp of the Apollo programme. This was a collective technological effort of epic scale, but his is the one name sure to be remembered centuries hence. (Martin Rees Quotes)
We can trace things back to the earlier stages of the Big Bang, but we still don’t know what banged and why it banged. That’s a challenge for 21st-century science. (Martin Rees Quotes)
The stupendous time spans of the evolutionary past are now part of common culture (though maybe not in the United States Bible Belt, nor in parts of the Islamic world). Most people are at ease with the idea that our present biosphere is the outcome of four billion years of Darwinian evolution. (Martin Rees Quotes)
There are strong reasons for believing that space goes on beyond the limits of our observational horizon. There are strong reasons because if you look in opposite directions, conditions are the same to within one part in 100,000. So if we are part of some finite structure then, if the gradient is so shallow, it is likely to go on much further. (Martin Rees Quotes)
A monkey is unaware that atoms exist. Likewise, our brainpower may not stretch to the deepest aspects of reality. The bedrock nature of space and time, and the structure of our entire universe, may remain ‘open frontiers’ beyond human grasp. (Martin Rees Quotes)
The practical case for manned spacef light gets ever-weaker with each advance in robots and miniaturisation - indeed, as a scientist or practical man, I see little purpose in sending people into space at all. But as a human being, I’m an enthusiast for manned missions. (Martin Rees Quotes)
The first voyagers to the stars will be creatures whose life cycle is matched to the voyage: the aeons involved in traversing the galaxy are not daunting to immortal beings. By the end of the third millennium, travel to other stars could be technically feasible. But would there be sufficient motive? (Martin Rees Quotes)
Post-human intelligence will develop hypercomputers with the processing power to simulate living things - even entire worlds. Perhaps advanced beings could use hypercomputers to surpass the best ‘special effects’ in movies or computer games so vastly that they could simulate a world, fully, as complex as the one we perceive ourselves to be in. (Martin Rees Quotes)
Just as there are many Jews who keep the Friday ritual in their home despite describing themselves as atheists, I am a ‘tribal Christian,’ happy to attend church services. (Martin Rees Quotes)
Maybe the search for life shouldn’t restrict attention to planets like Earth. Science fiction writers have other ideas: balloon-like creatures floating in the dense atmospheres of planets such as Jupiter, swarms of intelligent insects, nano-scale robots and more. (Martin Rees Quotes)
If we do find ET, we will at least have something in common with them. They may live on planet Zog and have seven tentacles, but they will be made of the same kinds of atoms as us. If they have eyes, they will gaze out on the same cosmos as we do. They will, like us, trace their origins back to a ‘Big Bang’ 13.8 billion years ago. (Martin Rees Quotes)
Stars that become supernovae start off at least eight times heavier than our sun. They’re so short-lived that, even if they have planets, there is unlikely to be time for life to get started. The surface is 40,000C and, as a result, the colouring will be extremely blue. (Martin Rees Quotes)
General writing about science, even if we do it badly, helps us to see our work in perspective and broadens our vision. (Martin Rees Quotes)
The challenge of global warming should stimulate a whole raft of manifestly benign innovations - for conserving energy and generating it by ‘clean’ means (biofuels, innovative renewables, carbon sequestration, and nuclear fusion). (Martin Rees Quotes)
The Cern laboratory in Geneva was set up in 1955 to bring together European scientists who wished to pursue research into the nuclear and sub-nuclear world. Physicists then had greater clout than other scientists because the memory of their role in the Second World War was fresh in people’s minds. (Martin Rees Quotes)
Most theorists suspect that space has an intricate structure - that it is ‘grainy’ - but that this structure is on a much finer scale than any known subatomic particle. The structure could be of an exotic kind: extra dimensions, over and above the three that we are used to (up and down, backward and forward, left and right). (Martin Rees Quotes)
Perhaps future space probes will be plastered in commercial logos, just as Formula One cars are now. Perhaps Robot Wars in space will be a lucrative spectator sport. If humans venture back to the moon, and even beyond, they may carry commercial insignia rather than national flags. (Martin Rees Quotes)
We do not fully understand the consequences of rising populations and increasing energy consumption on the interwoven fabric of atmosphere, water, land and life. (Martin Rees Quotes)
Some global hazards are insidious. They stem from pressure on energy supplies, food, water and other natural resources. And they will be aggravated as the population rises to a projected nine billion by mid-century, and by the effects of climate change. An ‘ecological shock’ could irreversibly degrade our environment. (Martin Rees Quotes)
When scientists are asked what they are working on, their response is seldom ‘Finding the origin of the universe’ or ‘Seeking to cure cancer.’ Usually, they will claim to be tackling a very specific problem - a small piece of the jigsaw that builds up the big picture. (Martin Rees Quotes)