Mary Oliver Quotes

Text Quotes
I held my breath as we do sometimes to stop time when something wonderful has touched us (Mary Oliver Quotes)
Emerson, I am trying to live, as you said we must, the examined life. But there are days I wish there was less in my head to examine, not to speak of the busy heart (Mary Oliver Quotes)
And to tell the truth I don't want to let go of the wrists of idleness, I don't want to sell my life for money, I don't even want to come in out of the rain (Mary Oliver Quotes)
Every morning I walk like this around the pond, thinking: if the doors of my heart ever close, I am as good as dead (Mary Oliver Quotes)
So come to the pond, or the river of your imagination, or the harbor of your longing, and put your lips to the world. And live your life (Mary Oliver Quotes)
And now you'll be telling stories of my coming back and they won't be false, and they won't be true but they'll be real (Mary Oliver Quotes)
When will you have a little pity for every soft thing that walks through the world, yourself included (Mary Oliver Quotes)
I try to be good but sometimes a person just has to break out and act like the wild and springy thing one used to be. It's impossible not to remember wild an want it back (Mary Oliver Quotes)
There are a hundred paths through the world that are easier than loving. But who wants easier? (Mary Oliver Quotes)
It is what I was born for - to look, to listen, to lose myself inside this soft world - to instruct myself over and over (Mary Oliver Quotes)
Come with me into the woods where spring is advancing, as it does, no matter what, not being singular or particular, but one of the forever gifts, and certainly visible (Mary Oliver Quotes)
Don't we all die someday and someday comes all too soon? What will you do with your own wild, glorious chance at this thing we call life (Mary Oliver Quotes)
On poetry: Everyone wants to know what it means. But nobody is asking, How does it feel? (Mary Oliver Quotes)
Snow was falling, so much like stars filling the dak trees that one could easily imagine it's reason for being was nothing more the prettiness (Mary Oliver Quotes)
I very much wished not to be noticed, and to be left alone, and I sort of succeeded (Mary Oliver Quotes)
Oh, to love what is lovely, and will not last! What a task to ask of anything, or anyone, yet it is ours, and not by the century or the year, but by the hours (Mary Oliver Quotes)
Rhythm is one of the most powerful of pleasures, and when we feel a pleasurable rhythm we hope it will continue. When it does, it grows sweeter (Mary Oliver Quotes)
This is the first, wildest, and wisest thing I know, that the soul exists, and that it is built entirely out of attention (Mary Oliver Quotes)
Let me keep my mind on what matters, which is my work, which is mostly standing still and learning to be astonished (Mary Oliver Quotes)
Look, I want to love this world as though it's the last chance I'm ever going to get to be alive and know it (Mary Oliver Quotes)
Belief isn't always easy. But this much I have learned - if not enough else - to live with my eyes open (Mary Oliver Quotes)
I don't ask for the sights in front of me to change, only the depth of my seeing (Mary Oliver Quotes)
We shake with joy, we shake with grief. What a time they have, these two housed as they are in the same body (Mary Oliver Quotes)
I wanted to hurry into the work of my life; I wanted to know, whoever I was, I was alive for a little while (Mary Oliver Quotes)
I don't know lots of things but I know this: next year when spring flows over the starting point I'll think I'm going to drown in the shimmering miles of it (Mary Oliver Quotes)
Though I play at the edges of knowing, truly I know our part is not knowing, but looking, and touching, and loving (Mary Oliver Quotes)
And who will care, who will chide you if you wander away from wherever you are, to look for your soul? (Mary Oliver Quotes)
Every year everything I have ever learned in my lifetime leads back to this: the fires and the black river of loss whose other side is salvation (Mary Oliver Quotes)
I saw that worrying had come to nothing and gave it up. And took my old body and went out into the morning, and sang (Mary Oliver Quotes)
Isn't it wonderful the way the world holds both the deeply serious, and the unexpectedly mirthful? (Mary Oliver Quotes)