Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes

Text Quotes
Pretense is the oil that lubricates society (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
There is no truly honest autobiography (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
Natalie Spenser was giving a dinner. She was not an easy hostess (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
Herbert used to say that he was as tight as the paper on the wall (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
I have a great deal of mind. It takes a long time to change it (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
It’s money that brings trouble. It always has and it always will (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
Conflict is the very essence of life (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
From class consciousness to class hatred was but a step (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
Suspicion is like the rain. It falls on the just and on the unjust (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
Men play harder than they work; women work harder than they play (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
Enemies are an indication of character (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
Old men make wars that young men may die (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
That is the tragedy of growing old, Chris. You don’t leave the world. It leaves you (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
Curious, how one remembered Christmas. Perhaps because other days might appeal to the head, but this one appealed to the heart (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
[To her frequently needed plumber:] How would you like to be adopted? I’m sure it would be cheaper (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
Men love a joke - on the other fellow. But your really humorous woman loves a joke on herself (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
My crime books are actually novels and are written as such. One might even say that each one is really two novels, one of which is the story I tell the reader, and the other the buried story I know and let slip now and then into a clue to whet the reader’s interest (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
I had a vision ... of being found on the pavement by some passerby, with a small punctuation mark ending my sentence of life. (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
I suppose it is because woman’s courage is mental and man’s physical, that in times of great strain women always make the better showing. (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
To men and women who want to do things, there is nothing quite so driving as the force of an imprisoned ego. . . . All genius comes from this class. (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
Men were not equal in the effort they made, nor did equal efforts bring equal result. ... Equality of opportunity, yes. Equality of effort and result, no. (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
It’s been my experience that the first few days of married life women are blind because they want to be and after that because they have to be. (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
Girls inevitably grew into women, but something of the boy persisted in every man (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
When knowledge comes in at the door, fear and superstition fly out of the window (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
I never saw a lawyer yet who would admit he was making money (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
All houses in which men have lived and suffered and died are haunted houses (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
The one pleasure that never palls is the pleasure of not going to church (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
It takes a good many years and some pretty hard knocks to make people tolerant (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
We are often miserable at our desk or typewriters, but not happy away from them (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)
... if one can remember without loving, then couldn’t one love without remembering? (Mary Roberts Rinehart Quotes)