Marya Hornbacher Quotes

Text Quotes
People take the feeling of full for granted (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
... painfully curious... about how it feels to fall (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
After a lifetime of silence, it is difficult then to speak (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
You can only whine for so long. Then you need to get your life back (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
When you deal with nonfiction you deal with human characters (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
Children take in more information than we’d like to believe (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
But new love only lasts so long, and then you crash back into the real people you are, and from as high as we were, it’s a very long fall, and we hit the ground with a thud (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
And so I went through the looking glass, stepped into the netherworld, where up is down and food is greed, where convex mirrors cover the walls, where death is honor and flesh is weak. It is ever so easy to go. Harder to find your way back (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
My god! people say. You have so much self-control! And later: My God. You’re so, so sick. When people say this, they turn their heads, you’ve won your little game. You have proven your thesis that no-body-loves-me-every-body-hates-me, guess-I’ll-just-eat-worms. You get to sink back into your hospital bed, shrieking with righteous indignation. See? you get to say. I knew you’d give up on me. I knew you’d leave (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
I know how this feels: the tightening of the chest, the panic, the what-have-I-done-wait-I-was-kidding. Eating disorders linger so long undetected, eroding the body in silence, and then they strike. The secret is out. You’re dying (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
I do have faith. I don’t have faith that a God exists, nor do I have faith that one does not; I have absolute faith that I do not know, cannot know, am only human, am an infinitesimal creature packed onto a cramped planet crowded with seven billion bodies, and as many yearning hearts, and as many questioning minds (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
I have a type of bipolar that swings up and down all day long. There are significant mood swings within a day, within a week, within a month. I go through at least four major episodes a year. That’s really the definition of bipolar rapid cycle. But I have ultra-rapid, so I have tiny little episodes all day long (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
It’s really interesting to me how all of us can experience the exact same event, and yet come away with wildly disparate interpretations of what happened. We each have totally different ideas of what was said, what was intended, and what really took place (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
My relationships with both my mother and father are good. We spent several difficult years hashing over the problems and the past, and worked out a fairly solid middle ground. I wouldn’t say my relationship with either of them - they’re no longer together - is exactly typical, but that would be difficult after all we went through (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
I am feeling fine. I remember these words and recite them. These are the things you say when asked how you are. After all, it would be odd to say: I’m not feeling. Or, more to the point: I’m not, I have ceased to be. Where am I? (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
When you are mad, mad like this, you don’t know it. Reality is what you see. When what you see shifts, departing from anyone else’s reality, it’s still reality to you. (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
There’s childhood and early onset bipolar, but it transitions in your early adulthood into something a little bit different, and extremely severe. It was at that time that my impulse control just went out the window. Impulse control when you’re manic just disappears. (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
I think many people with a chronic illness would prefer not to have their chronic illness, simply because it’s high maintenance. (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
Were I to put myself on... one of those online dating things, I would not include in my profile that I’m regularly hospitalized for psychosis. But I do know that when I get really bad, there is a place for me to go where I will feel better. (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
The fact that you were essentially dead does not register until you begin to come alive (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
There is, in the end, the letting go (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
Hatred is so much closer to love than indifference (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
I began to measure things in absence instead of presence (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
Some people who are obsessed with food become gourmet chefs. Others become eating disorders (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
The biggest fear of my life is living. My second biggest fear is dying (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
I know for a fact that sickness is easier, but health is more interesting (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
In truth, you like the pain. You like it because you believe you deserve it (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
There is, in fact, an incredible freedom in having nothing left to lose (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
When you believe that you are not worthwhile in and of yourself, in the back of your mind you also begin to believe that life is not worthwhile in and of itself. It is only worthwhile insofar as it relates to your crusade. It is a kamikaze mission (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)
Hospitalizations in general are blurry. The days are the same, precisely the same. Nothing changes. Life melts down to a simple progression of meals. They become a way of life fairly quickly. You may welcome this transition. It may seem inevitable to you. You have been removed from the world. It is all right, in a way, because there is nothing so sure, so safe, as routine (Marya Hornbacher Quotes)