Mason Cooley Quotes

Text Quotes
An insult angers me. Being ignored crushes me (Mason Cooley Quotes)
I tried good taste, but the strain was too much for me (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Forget what hurt you but never forget what it thaught you (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The critical spirit never knows when to stop meddling (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Generosity knows how to count, but refrains (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The exhibitionist loves to flirt with shame (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Alone, I am drunk on my thoughts; in company, I am sober again (Mason Cooley Quotes)
We make some changes. But mostly changes make us (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Many try to force the past to change (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Politicians love change, but of details only (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The familiar changes as we cling to it (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The aftermath of joy is not usually more joy (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Nature knows no difference between weeds and flowers (Mason Cooley Quotes)
To a suicide: You just poisoned the wrong person (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Simplicity is a strict taskmaster (Mason Cooley Quotes)
To appear well dressed, be skinny and tall (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Failure makes us envious. Success makes us greedy (Mason Cooley Quotes)
As every cockroach knows, thriving on poisons is the secret of success (Mason Cooley Quotes)
I see what you mean, but I do not think what you think (Mason Cooley Quotes)
‘Be faithful to your roots’ is the liberal version of ‘Stay in your ghetto (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Expensive advertising courts us with hints and images. The ordinary kind merely says, Buy (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Totem poles and wooden masks no longer suggest tribal villages but fashionable drawing rooms in New York and Paris (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Only those in comfortable circumstances think love is the most important thing (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Jealousy is inconsolable because it cannot know the beloved’s innermost thoughts (Mason Cooley Quotes)
It is possible to interpret without observing, but not to observe without interpreting (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Children pay little attention to their parents’ teachings, but reproduce their characters faithfully (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Interpreting the dance: young women in white dancing in a ring can only be virgins; old women in black dancing in a ring can only be witches; but middle-aged women in colors, square dancing...? (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The interest in Wisdom is fading. Soon there will not be enough left to support the aphorism, even though it tries to amuse by half-mocking the Wisdom it propounds (Mason Cooley Quotes)
My father liked to moralize, and so do I. But he was in earnest, while I am embarrassed and pretend that I am merely being witty (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Realism absorbs the ideal by adding a few small imperfections. Example: it paints a few specks of mud on the white gown of the Lady in the Garden (Mason Cooley Quotes)