Mason Cooley Quotes

Text Quotes
To gain a reputation for virtue, grieve over those you injure (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Experience is a great spoiler of pleasures (Mason Cooley Quotes)
In the theater of confusion, knowing the location of the exits is what counts (Mason Cooley Quotes)
No matter how close thought sticks to the actual, it follows its own rules (Mason Cooley Quotes)
At sixty, I would like to give my future back its vistas of uncertainty (Mason Cooley Quotes)
I am now old enough to make common cause with my predecessors against my successors (Mason Cooley Quotes)
As the tenor roars his passion, I think sadly of my spreading middle, and his (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Growth provides novel experiences for youth; decay the same, alas, for age (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The supposed unhappiness of the rich is always a cheerful topic of conversation (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Faith no doubt moves mountains, but not necessarily to where we want them (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Bravery despite defeat is praiseworthy. Victory despite cowardice is beyond praise (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Unlike the ambiguity of life, the ambiguity of language does reach a limit (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Reversing a proposition rearranges its terms, but still keeps out new terms (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Universal truths have become an embarrassment, but they won’t quite go away (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Don’t tell me it’s raining when you’re peeing on me! (Mason Cooley Quotes)
When appearance and reality coincide, philosophy and literary criticism find themselves with nothing to say (Mason Cooley Quotes)
In the present age, a man with harmonious ideas is regarded as out of touch (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Vicarious living is only slightly less impossible than vicarious eating (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Somehow the body keeps life going despite the ravaging negations of the mind (Mason Cooley Quotes)
I really like life, don’t you? There’s nothing else quite like it (Mason Cooley Quotes)
When my expectations are exactly fulfilled, I feel that something uncanny has happened (Mason Cooley Quotes)
I read here and there in books, enjoying the examples and ignoring the argument (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Avid readers are enchanted by meaning, which is available chiefly in books (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Anybody can lead a frivolous life. A frivolous writer, however, must have taste and intelligence (Mason Cooley Quotes)
If everything had a label, we would live in a fully delineated but false world (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Men and women would be even more unhappy if they really understood one another (Mason Cooley Quotes)
A work of art is an echo chamber which repeats what people say about it (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Forgetting and remembering are governed by laws, but we cannot find out what they are (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Proverbial wisdom counsels against risk and change. But sitting ducks fare worst of all (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Sometimes I dread loneliness more than bores. Other times, the reverse (Mason Cooley Quotes)