Mason Cooley Quotes

Text Quotes
Was there a little time between the invention of language and the coming of true and false? (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The nature of language may determine what most people say, but I always speak my own meaning (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Against classical philosophy: thinking about eternity or the immensity of the universe does not lessen my unhappiness (Mason Cooley Quotes)
My mind no longer has romantic abysses, but has become shallow, with many little gaps and cracks (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The ninety percent of human experience that does not fit into established narrative patterns falls into oblivion (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Perhaps fortunately, no one has ever found out what it would be like to have all his wishes fulfilled (Mason Cooley Quotes)
If I had found the words I was looking for, I would not have read so much (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Reading about ethics is about as likely to improve one’s behavior as reading about sports is to make one into an athlete (Mason Cooley Quotes)
If you do not throw in a few promises of better things to come, gloomy one, I am going to take you back to the library (Mason Cooley Quotes)
To avoid taking responsibility, I become unresponsive but hang on until the other person leaves me (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Your love for me is founded in a sentiment. My love for you is founded in the body. A precarious interchange (Mason Cooley Quotes)
When love and adventure are finished, it’s nice to have getting and spending to fall back on (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Loving, not the beloved, is the joy of love. The beloved, knowing this, most resolutely declines to be grateful (Mason Cooley Quotes)
When love ends, the beloved is no longer standing on a pedestal, but in a hole (Mason Cooley Quotes)
People often are unsure whether or not they are in love, but they generally know whether or not they are having sex (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Travelling, I worry about luggage, prices, and strange food. At home, I am free to broaden my mind by thinking about the higher things (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The past goes right on pulling me apart, though I can scarcely remember the people or the issues (Mason Cooley Quotes)
To avoid tripping on the chain of the past, you have to pick it up and wind it about you (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The poor live slow and hard; the rich, fast and easy. The rest of us shuffle along as we may (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Neat trick: to be roused to ambition and reconciled to one’s mediocrity at the same time (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The young are just as opinionated as the old, but have more exciting things to do than sit around airing their opinions all day (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The soul is no longer honored as it once was, but it still keeps appetite from being the measure of all things (Mason Cooley Quotes)
I would like to be a figment of my own imagination, but belly and bowels will not permit (Mason Cooley Quotes)
If you have no power, talk about your influence. If you have power, talk about the constraints that hem you in (Mason Cooley Quotes)
I am the center of the world, but the control panel seems to be somewhere else (Mason Cooley Quotes)
When science drove the gods out of nature, they took refuge in poetry and the porticos of civic buildings (Mason Cooley Quotes)
To be thoroughly modern, an aphorism should trail off vaguely rather than coming to a point (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Like a frog, the aphorist waits for something to fly by that he can catch with his tongue (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Finding a thought for an aphorism is not hard. Putting a kink in its tail is the hard part (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Once I find the right maxim to apply, I feel that I have done all that can be expected of me (Mason Cooley Quotes)