Mason Cooley Quotes

Text Quotes
Ironic and jittery, we are puzzled by the old heroes with their fighting, boasting, and cocksure lovemaking (Mason Cooley Quotes)
As I review my life, I feel I must have missed the point, either then or now (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Ideas about life organize perception; names of emotions organize sensations; rules of syntax organize thought. But pain comes on its own (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The tragic hero prefers death to prudence. The comedian prefers playing tricks to winning. Only the villain really plays to win (Mason Cooley Quotes)
In middle age, I practiced feeling old, but the real thing has been a rude surprise (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The family is on its way out; couples go next; then no more keeping cats or parrots (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The irrational may be attractive in the abstract, but not in cab drives, dinner guests, or elderly relatives (Mason Cooley Quotes)
In adding up her assets, the ambitious lady calculated the worth of her beautiful body as coldly as everything else (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Early every morning an old woman goes to the market to curse a grocery clerk, who curses back (Mason Cooley Quotes)
People who behave at forty as they did at twenty must sometimes wonder why their charm is not working (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The plastic surgeon’s knife slashes at time, which may seem to retreat, but then keeps on coming (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The psychiatrist’s office: the only place I can be sure my story will be treated as sad, but interesting (Mason Cooley Quotes)
In ethics, prudence is not an important virtue, but in the world it is almost everything (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Prudence does not make people happy; it merely deprives them of the excitement of being constantly in trouble (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Moderation in all things is best, but it’s pretty hard to get excited about it (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Great men wait for the right moment to abandon caution. The rest of us abandon it when impatience becomes too much for us (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The lazy manage to keep up with the earth’s rotation just as well as the industrious (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The philosophy of hedonism means little to lovers of pleasure. They have no inclination to read philosophy, or to write it (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Never trust the judgment of an enthusiastic man; never trust the promises of a lazy one (Mason Cooley Quotes)
A beautiful woman peers out her window, as full of envy as the harridan who peers up at her from the street (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Weakness is a better teacher than strength. Weakness must learn to understand the obstacles that strength brushes aside (Mason Cooley Quotes)
A dense undergrowth of extension cords sustains my upper world of lights, music, and machines of comfort (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The realist lies for advantage. The fantasist lies to give his dreams a flavor of reality (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The rich are never as possessed by their riches as the poor are by their poverty (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen: even less, the trouble I’ve successfully avoided (Mason Cooley Quotes)
I am forbidden sugar, fat, and alcohol. So hooray, I guess, for oatmeal, lemon juice, and chicken soup (Mason Cooley Quotes)
A successful restaurant makes everything in it, including the patrons, seem a little better than they are (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Like other secret lovers, many speak mockingly about popular culture to conceal their passion for it (Mason Cooley Quotes)
Arrogance rides triumphantly through the gates, barely glancing at the old woman about to cut the rope and spring shut the trap (Mason Cooley Quotes)
The magic of procedure: do this after that and thus before so; then your wish will be granted (Mason Cooley Quotes)