Master Quotes

Text Quotes
Remember, technology is a great servant, but a terrible master (Master Quotes)
Shall I crack any of those old jokes, master, at which the audience never fail to laugh? (Master Quotes)
Everything God does has purpose and intention behind that design. It is a master design, and every little thing has its proper place and function (Master Quotes)
The State became the master. The national element moved from the realm of form to the realm of content; it became what was most central and essential, turning the socialist element into a mere wrapping, a verbal husk, an empty shell. Thus was made manifest, with tragic clarity, a sacred law of life: Human freedom stands above everything. There is no end in the world for the sake of which it is permissible to sacrifice human freedom (Master Quotes)
Mediocrity, I discovered, was the great camouflage; the great protective coloring. Those boys who did not fail, yet did not excel, were left alone, free of the demands of the master who might wish to groom them for glory and of the school bully who might make them his scapegoat (Master Quotes)
I speak of the Christian religion, and no one need be astonished. The Church in the colonies is the white people's Church, the foreigner's Church. She does not call the native to God's ways but to the ways of the white man, of the master, of the oppressor. And as we know, in this matter many are called but few chosen (Master Quotes)
Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master (Master Quotes)
The measure of a master is his success in bringing all men around to his opinion twenty years later (Master Quotes)
We can't have full knowledge all at once. We must start by believing; then afterwards we may be led on to master the evidence for ourselves (Master Quotes)
The main thing for me right now is just to live my life with my family and friends. They treat me like Leo, not 'Leonardo, Master Thespian'. That's all I need to keep my sanity (Master Quotes)
Human beings are compelled to live within a lie, but they can be compelled to do so only because they are in fact capable of living in this way. Therefore not only does the system alienate humanity, but at the same time alienated humanity supports this system as its own involuntary master plan, as a degenerate image of its own degeneration, as a record of people's own failure as individuals (Master Quotes)
No girl who is going to marry need bother to win a college degree; she just naturally becomes a master of arts and a doctor of philosophy after catering to an ordinary man for a few years (Master Quotes)
I believe that every English poet should read the English classics, master the rules of grammar before he attempts to bend or break them, travel abroad, experience the horror of sordid passion and i if he is lucky enough - know the love of an honest woman (Master Quotes)
The butterfly, a cabbage-white, (His honest idiocy of flight) will never now, it is too late, master the art of flying straight (Master Quotes)
It only stands to reason that where there's sacrifice, there's someone collecting the sacrificial offerings. Where there's service, there is someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice is speaking of slaves and masters, and intends to be the master (Master Quotes)
In order to master the unruly torrent of life the learned man meditates, the poet quivers, and the political hero erects the fortress of his will (Master Quotes)
Perhaps I do not know what I was made for; but one thing I certainly never was made for, and that is to put principles on and off at the dictation of a party, as a lackey changes his livery at his master (Master Quotes)
As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy (Master Quotes)
Man's sin is in his failure to live what he is. Being the master of the Earth, man forgets that he is the servant of God (Master Quotes)
There is something about music that keeps its distance even at the moment that it engulfs us. It is at the same time outside and away from us and inside and part of us. In one sense it dwarfs us, and in another we master it (Master Quotes)
We must not become the new puritans and reject our society. We must address and master the future together. It can be done if we restore the belief that we share a sense of national community, that we share a common national endeavor. It can be done (Master Quotes)
You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be (Master Quotes)
You do not interrupt a man when he is explaining his master plan after having been soundly defeated. Don't you watch any James Bond Movies? (Master Quotes)
This place felt like home; not her home perhaps, but someone's home, accustomed to shelter and keep and befriend its master (Master Quotes)
The manager is a servant. His master is the institution he manages and his first responsibility must therefore be to it (Master Quotes)
As females in a patriarchal culture, we were not slaves of love; most of us were and are slaves of longing - yearning for a master who will set us free and claim us because we cannot claim ourselves (Master Quotes)
The boy was not insensitive, he knew; but he had the facility and self confidence that came of looking at fate not as a master but as an equal (Master Quotes)
One sheds ones sickness in books - repeats and presents again one's emotions, to be master of them (Master Quotes)
When a people shall have become incapable of governing themselves, and fit for a master, it is of little consequence from what quarter he comes (Master Quotes)
Loving life is easy when you are abroad. Where no one knows you and you hold your life in your hands all alone, you are more master of yourself than at any other time (Master Quotes)