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Material Quotes

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Thought assists memory in enabling it to order the material it has assembled. So that in a systematically ordered memory every idea is individually followed by all conclusions it entails  (Material Quotes) I am convinced that abstract form, imagery, color, texture, and material convey meaning equal to or greater than words  (Material Quotes) Now, after the material resources of the colonies have been looted, their spiritual and cultural resources are being transformed into commodities for the world market  (Material Quotes) As with men, it has always seemed to me that books have their own peculiar destinies. They go towards the people who are waiting for them and reach them at the right moment. They are made of living material and continue to cast light through the darkness long after the death of their authors  (Material Quotes) This is the power of myth: that we can experience invisible spiritual realities and truths greater than visible, material things in story form  (Material Quotes) Experts generally agree that taking all opportunities to read books and other material aloud to children is the best preparation for their learning to read. The pleasures of being read to are far more likely to strengthen a child’s desire to learn to read than are repetitions of sounds, alphabet drills, and deciphering uninteresting words  (Material Quotes) The material world is simply an expression of the mind; that’s what so many fail to see. We’re so dependent on what is before us that we discount our intuition. Yet if one dismisses instinct, how can one understand or believe in a world that exists beyond one’s sight?  (Material Quotes) The material of typography is the black, and it is the designer’s task with the help of this black to capture space, to create harmonious whites inside the letters as well as between them  (Material Quotes) You must know everything well before you can know what to discard. You must cover pages with material you will not finally put into the book. That doesn’t mean you don’t use it. It is still there, must be there, an invisible foundation which gives authority to the story. The planning done on setting is never wasted. Nothing is ever wasted. If it has been thought through and written, it is still there, in every word which does not mention it  (Material Quotes) Progress toward a more abundant material life does not come like manna from heaven... My message certainly is not one of complacency. In this I agree with the doomsayers: our world needs the best efforts of all humanity to improve our lot  (Material Quotes) The long path from material through function to creative work has only one goal: to create order out of the desperate confusion of our time  (Material Quotes) For a novelist, the gaps in a story are as intriguing as material that still exists  (Material Quotes) A writer turns his life into material, and if you’re in his life, he uses yours, too  (Material Quotes) The purpose of fasting is to loosen to some degree the ties which bind us to the world of material things and our surroundings as a whole, in order that we may concentrate all our spiritual powers upon the unseen and eternal things  (Material Quotes) A painting, you know, it’s all dirty material. But it’s about transformation. Taking that earth, that heavy earthen kind of thing, turning it into air and light  (Material Quotes) A nation lives forever through its concepts, honour, and culture. It is for these reasons that the rulers of nations must judge and act not only on the basis of physical and material interests of the nation but on the basis of the nation’s historical honour, of the nation’s eternal interests. Thus: not bread at all costs, but honour at all costs  (Material Quotes) Generations of human beings were transformed into machines in the relentless pursuit of material wealth: We lived to work  (Material Quotes) Goal setting is another integral part of achieving any dream. It is what takes a supernatural vision into the material realm where we can see it being accomplished  (Material Quotes) Solicitude for material things distracts the soul and divides it. The devil seizes the divided soul and drags it to hell  (Material Quotes) It has never happened in history that a nation that has won a war has been held accountable for atrocities committed in preparing for and waging that war. We intend to make this one different. What took place was the use of technological material to destroy a defenseless country. From 125,000 to 300,000 people were killed... We recognize our role in history is to bring the transgressors to justice  (Material Quotes) Sometimes it is really hard to sit in the single and go for a row. I think this is really normal. I, like probably a lot of people, burn out every once in a while. What I have learned from my own experience is that there are two reasons for it to happen. It is that I am either physically tired or mentally tired. If either of these are the case, the wisest decision is to blow off practice. Blowing off practice is healthy. I didn’t understand that until I was so burnt out that I wanted to make scrap material out of my single and my oars  (Material Quotes) The similarities among animals that are on the surface very different are no coincidence. In fact, animal locomotion is no different than other flows, animate and inanimate they all develop in space and in time such that they optimize the flow of material  (Material Quotes) Imagination is the first step in creation whether in words or trifles. The mental pattern must always precede the material form  (Material Quotes) It becomes necessary to learn how to clear the mind of all clouds, to free it of all useless ballast and debris by dismissing the burden of too much concern with material things  (Material Quotes) It so often happens that, after sacrificing a pawn, a player aims not to obtain the initiative for it, but to regain sacrificed material  (Material Quotes) We don’t think a sustainable society need be stagnant, boring, uniform, or rigid. It need not be, and probably could not be, centrally controlled or authoritarian. It could be a world that has the time, the resources, and the will to correct its mistakes, to innovate, to preserve the fertility of its planetary ecosystems. It could focus on mindfully increasing quality of life rather than on mindlessly expanding material consumption and the physical capital stock  (Material Quotes) At first when I realized I was a romantic, I was sort of shocked and shamed. But it is true... that the material I work most with is emotion  (Material Quotes) Real science exists, then, only from the moment when a phenomenon is accurately defined as to its nature and rigorously determined in relation to its material conditions, that is, when its law is known. Before that, we have only groping and empiricism  (Material Quotes) Originality is the only thing that counts. But the originator uses material and ideas that occur round him and pass through him. And out of his experience comes the original creation  (Material Quotes) Singing other people’s material was perceived, I think, as a weakness of my persona. The effect, though, was to make me dig my heels in and try even harder to combine the two  (Material Quotes)
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