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Material Quotes

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Actually, my friendships are changing because my friends have kids, so that’s a new aspect to the material. Not just that I don’t want to have kids, it’s that I’m having a hard time relating to people I know  (Material Quotes) ... the greater part of the population is not very intelligent, dreads responsibility, and desires nothing better than to be told what to do. Provided the rulers do not interfere with its material comforts and its cherished beliefs, it is perfectly happy to let itself be ruled  (Material Quotes) Everything depends on your state of awareness. If your state of awareness is low, then all the material success in the world won’t help  (Material Quotes) In meditation, when your thoughts are stopped, you become empty. When you are empty, your mind folds back on itself and you see through the illusions of the material world  (Material Quotes) There are plenty of bad actors and there are plenty of bad directors. There are actors who will always be bad and there are good actors who you cry for because they’re being badly directed or the material isn’t good enough  (Material Quotes) If you make something good and interesting and not ridiculing someone or being offensive, the creators of the original material will like it  (Material Quotes) No one person or material thing could ever come close to the feeling I get when the music is right  (Material Quotes) I don’t like doing the same material over and over again. It’s not fun  (Material Quotes) I’m working in a form of cinema that can be described, and has been described, as a diaristic form of cinema. In other words, with material from my own life. I walk through life with my camera, and occasionally I film. I never think about scripts, never think about films, making films  (Material Quotes) What you don’t get in the mainstream media is so much of the background material  (Material Quotes) I consider the integrity of the material to be of greater value than any message I might want to get across  (Material Quotes) My material is as new as anything on the dinner table. What difference does it make if I’m 70 or if I’m 20? The audience knows they aren’t getting any old stories from me  (Material Quotes) A master of happiness will appreciate what he or she has while they have them and the moment any specific thing is gone or lost, the focus will be on other things to appreciate and be grateful for. At times, this could be gratitude for the memories that remain. Material and physical objects are temporary, memories are forever  (Material Quotes) We are determined not to take as the aim of our life fame, profit, wealth, or sensual pleasure, nor to accumulate wealth while millions are hungry and dying. We are committed to living simply and sharing our time, energy, and material resources with those who are in need  (Material Quotes) We have now felled forest enough everywhere, in many districts far too much. Let us restore this one element of material life to its normal proportions, and devise means for maintaining the permanence of its relations to the fields, the meadows and the pastures, to the rain and the dews of heaven, to the springs and rivulets with which it waters down the earth  (Material Quotes) The end of nature sours all my material pleasures. The prospect of living in a genetically engineered world sickens me. And yet it is toward such a world that our belief in endless material advancement hurries us. As long as that desire drives us, here is no way to set limits  (Material Quotes) Thoughts and ideas are not phantoms. They are real things. Although intangible and immaterial, they are factors in bringing about changes in the realm of tangible and material things  (Material Quotes) I think some of the most creative work is coming out of television. I felt it’s very immediate and I like that. It’s really fast. It’s got a pace to it, and that’s why I think everybody in my field wants to just do good material  (Material Quotes) The thing I noticed is that a lot of times great material can get ruined if its not in the right hands  (Material Quotes) I came to the conclusion is that we have a very shallow view of human nature in the policy world. We’re really good at talking about material things, really bad at talking about emotions, really good at stuff we can count, really bad at the deeper stuff that actually drives behavior  (Material Quotes) Doing comedy is as easy as doing anything else. You’re dependent totally on the material  (Material Quotes) The universal nature out of the universal substance, as if it were wax, now molds a horse, and when it has broken this up, it uses the material for a tree, then for a man, then for something else  (Material Quotes) I felt a comedy ego beginning to grow, which gave me the courage to begin tentatively looking into myself for material  (Material Quotes) Motivation is in the world around us. We have an infinite amount of material at our disposal, in the lives of those we meet, in what we see and feel, in what we discuss and from the passion of every woman  (Material Quotes) The form is mechanic when on any given material we impress a predetermined form. The organic form, on the other hand, is innate, it shapes as it develops itself from within  (Material Quotes) Few things are necessary to make the wise man happy while no amount of material wealth would satisfy a fool. I am not a fool  (Material Quotes) Contrary to the vulgar belief that men are motivated primarily by materialistic considerations, we now see the capitalist system being discredited and destroyed all over the world, even though this system has given men the greatest material comforts  (Material Quotes) Since art is the expression of beauty and beauty can be understood only in the form of the material elements of the true idea it contains, art has become almost uniquely feminine. Beauty is woman, and also art is woman  (Material Quotes) Agriculture is for living; mind culture is for life. Skills are for shaping material things so that they cater more for the comfort of man; studies are for shaping attitudes, feelings, desires, emotions and impulses of man, so that they may confer more peace, more joy and more fortitude on man  (Material Quotes) Each man must take the material that he finds at hand, see that in it there are the big truths of life, the fundamentally big forces, and then express in his art whatever is the cause of his pleasure  (Material Quotes)
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