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Material Quotes

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Your painting is the marking of your progression into nature, a sensation of something you see way beyond the two pretty colors over there. Don’t stop to paint the material, but push on to give the spirit  (Material Quotes) Forms in art arise from the impact of idea upon material... so that thinking and belief and attitudes may endure as actual things  (Material Quotes) We must remember that everything depends on how we use a material, not on the material itself... New materials are not necessarily superior. Each material is only what we make it  (Material Quotes) I don’t know that I necessarily feel more comfortable in the context of smaller films, but I tend to feel more comfortable more often than not with the material of smaller films,  (Material Quotes) A certain amount of contempt for the material employed to express an idea is indispensable to the purest realization of this idea  (Material Quotes) Ads and logos are our shared global culture and language, and people are insisting on the right to use that language, to reformulate it in the way that artists and writers always do with cultural material,  (Material Quotes) Our epoch is a time of tragic collision between matter and spirit and of the downfall of the purely material world view  (Material Quotes) I don’t think there’s anything really wrong with influence because I think that one can use another man’s art as material either literally or just implying that they’re doing that, without it representing a lack of a point of view  (Material Quotes) I trust my work. It’s a collaboration with the material, and when it’s viewed, it’s a collaboration with the world  (Material Quotes) It would be bypassing the issue to say that the artist’s business is to work with this and that material or manipulate the findings of perceptual psychology, and that the rest should be left to other professions  (Material Quotes) There can be no question of selecting in any direction, but of penetrating the whole cosmic law of rhythms, forces and material that are the real world, from the ugliest to the most beautiful, everything that has character and expression, from the crudest and most brutal to the gentlest and most delicate; everything that speaks to us in its capacity as life  (Material Quotes) Our greatest illusion is reliance upon the security and permanence of material possessions. We must search for some other coin  (Material Quotes) For many years quantum physics had been giving indications that there are levels of reality other than the material level  (Material Quotes) Science is a matter of adjusting language to explain material reality. Art is a matter of adjusting material reality to create a sense of life  (Material Quotes) A simple equation for the production of successful art work is lots of reference material plus lots of art supplies equals lots of painting happiness  (Material Quotes) You have to get beyond your own precious inner experiences. The actor cannot afford to look only to his own life for all his material nor pull strictly from his own experience to find his acting choices and feelings. The ideas of the great playwrights are almost always larger than the experiences of even the best actors  (Material Quotes) Each child represents either a potential addition to the protective capacity and enlightened citizenship of the nation or, if allowed to suffer from neglect, a potential addition to the destructive forces of a community.... The interests of the nation are involved in the welfare of this array of children no less than in our great material affairs  (Material Quotes) The object of government is the welfare of the people. The material progress and prosperity of a nation are desirable chiefly so far as they lead to the moral and material welfare of all good citizens  (Material Quotes) In war, moral factors acount for three quarters of the whole; relative material strength accounts for only one quarter  (Material Quotes) What seems real to the mind can be as important as any material fact. We live by the spirit and the imagination as well as by our senses. Cartoon animation can give fantasy the same reality as those things we can touch and see and hear  (Material Quotes) People have had to make up for their spiritual impoverishment by accumulating material things. When spiritual blessings come, material blessings seem unimportant. As long as we desire material things this is all we receive, and we remain spiritually impoverished  (Material Quotes) Togetherness, for me, means teamwork. In my business of motion pictures and television entertainment, many minds and skillful hands must collaborate...T he work seeks to comprehend the spiritual and material needs and yearnings of gregarious humanity. It makes us reflect how completely dependent we are upon one another in our social and commercial life  (Material Quotes) To ask me whether I could endure to live without friends is absurd. It is easy enough to live out of material sight of friends, but to live without human love is impossible  (Material Quotes) Wealth to us is not mere material for vainglory but an opportunity for achievement; and poverty we think it no disgrace to acknowledge but a real degredation to make no effort to overcome  (Material Quotes) Quantum physics is the physics of possibilities. And not just material possibilities, but also possibilities of meaning, of feeling, and of intuiting. You choose everything you experience from these possibilities, so quantum physics is a way of understanding your life as one long series of choices that are in themselves the ultimate acts of creativity  (Material Quotes) Consciousness is the screen. The images on the screen are your perceptions, the illusion that life is solid, that there is a material universe  (Material Quotes) Part of the skill of saying no is to shut up afterward and not babble on, offering material for an argument  (Material Quotes) It is not the material which gives life form but the space between the material that gives life form  (Material Quotes) The hindrances to being psychic are a general dullness that develops from living in the material world, and being a material girl  (Material Quotes) I hope to direct a few more films before I leave the planet, so I hope I can find the material  (Material Quotes)
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