Materials Quotes

Text Quotes
For centuries, building materials were free. You want to build a house, you cut down some trees. But we haven’t been thinking about the cost to the planet. (Materials Quotes)
The environmentalists say capitalism is killing our oceans, air, land, and forests. Capitalists argue that they provide food, fuel, and building materials for a growing world. (Materials Quotes)
People have been doing this for hundreds of thousands of years: using whatever is available to build shelter. If you ponder what could be used, then building materials are everywhere. (Materials Quotes)
I decided to set out to prove that you could make a reasonable living building for the poor using recycled materials and only hiring unskilled labor. (Materials Quotes)
How much does your building weigh? A question often used to challenge architects to consider how efficiently materials were used for the space enclosed. (Materials Quotes)
When a wall is slowly covered over by earth, the materials it’s made from decay and become part of the soils around and above it, sometimes causing vegetation above and next to the wall to grow faster or slower. Satellite imagery helps archaeologists to pick up these subtle changes. (Materials Quotes)
We have military bases all over the world, and that’s purely to protect our portfolio abroad.Our investments, and our production, our exploitation of cheap labor and raw materials. We’re on the scene to do that, and the military is there to see that it happens. (Materials Quotes)
Play and transformation were a bit part of my childhood - using whatever materials were at our disposal, my brothers and I would constantly build and create fantasy worlds. (Materials Quotes)
It’s a failure of national vision when you regard children as weapons, and talents as materials you can mine, assay, and fabricate for profit and defense. (Materials Quotes)
Appellant constituted a legitimate class of one, and this provides a basis for Congress’s decision to proceed with dispatch with respect to his materials. (Materials Quotes)
For me, let’s keep jazz as folk music. Let’s not make jazz classical music. Let’s keep it as street music, as people’s everyday-life music. Let’s see jazz musicians continue to use the materials, the tools, the spirit of the actual time that they’re living in, as what they build their lives as musicians around. (Materials Quotes)
I think it’s really important to use your hands and get close to materials. To be up close to real things like rain and mud; to have contact with nature. (Materials Quotes)
By making all my materials freely available through ‘Giving 2.0’ ProjectU, I am on a mission to extend philanthropy education to colleges globally and far beyond campus walls. (Materials Quotes)
One should make one’s life a mosaic. Let the general design be good, the colors lively, and the materials diversified ... (Materials Quotes)
We need to send hundreds of millions of dollars down to our public high schools, vocational colleges, and community colleges to begin training people in the green-collar work of the future - things like solar-panel installation, retrofitting buildings that are leaking energy, wastewater reclamation, organic food, materials reuse and recycling. (Materials Quotes)
Frank Lloyd Wright made houses right up until the end. I think that’s important because it gives you a direct connection to all the basic aspects of architecture - the spatial energy of the place, the construction, the materials, the site, the detail. (Materials Quotes)
On Planet of the Apes, I had a very knowledgeable team who knew good materials, but I had one main source person who worked online and on the street continually looking for the proper materials. (Materials Quotes)
If we use goods made from raw materials that are obtained from a poor country without the proceeds being used to benefit the people of that country, we become complicit in a particularly iniquitous form of grand larceny. (Materials Quotes)
With ‘Scratch,’ our goal is to allow people to mix together all kinds of media, not just sounds, in creative ways. We want people to start from existing materials - grabbing an image, grabbing some sound, maybe even bits of someone else’s program, and then extending them and mixing them to make them their own. (Materials Quotes)
Education must lead us from the irresponsible opinion to true responsible judgment. It must lead us from chance and arbitrariness to rational clarity and intellectual order. Therefore, let us guide our students over the road of discipline from materials, through function, to creative work. (Materials Quotes)
Let us guide our students over the road of discipline from materials, through function, to creative work. (Materials Quotes)
The most alarming of all man’s assaults upon the environment is the contamination of air, earth, rivers, and sea with dangerous and even lethal materials. (Materials Quotes)
I really like the pop culture materials of everyday life, but used in some way that elevates them to something you notice and care about. (Materials Quotes)
Anytime you work with materials that are deep parts of yourself, you feel revulsion at showing things about yourself that you don’t want people to know. (Materials Quotes)
Understanding the materials I work with... gives me a deeper understanding of my place. And it’s helped me make sense of the changes that are happening to me as I grow older. (Materials Quotes)
If I lead the field in any way, it is in the area of curricula development, study guides and other teaching materials. (Materials Quotes)
Until a teacher learns to use elements like time, space, materials, groupings, and so forth flexibly, it’s incredibly difficult to teach students as they need to be taught. (Materials Quotes)
Quantum physics forms the foundation of chemistry, explaining how molecules are held together. It describes how real solids and materials behave and how electricity is conducted through them... It enabled the development of transistors, integrated circuits, lasers, LEDs, digital cameras and all the modern gadgetry that surrounds us. (Materials Quotes)
It was at Bell Labs that I first made direct contact with real semiconductor experts and thus began to fully understand what amazing materials they were and what they could do. (Materials Quotes)
My work is like digging, it’s archaeological research among the arid materials of our times. That’s how I understand my first films, and that’s what I’m still doing... (Materials Quotes)