Matt Chandler Quotes

Text Quotes
We can never grasp the extent of our depravity until we recognize the excellencies of our created dignity (Matt Chandler Quotes)
You and I are stymied in our own creativity. We can only create as sub-creators, and even then our best work is only sub-creation (Matt Chandler Quotes)
I was used to being the smartest guy in the room, and then God dropped me in a place that was well beyond me. It was painfully awesome (Matt Chandler Quotes)
God’s response to the belittlement of his name, from the beginning of time, has been the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on a Roman cross (Matt Chandler Quotes)
If someone doesn’t have much use for praising Him now, it’s foolish to think they’re ready for heaven (Matt Chandler Quotes)
Without a heart transformed by the grace of Christ, we just continue to manage external and internal darkness (Matt Chandler Quotes)
Trying to figure out God is like trying to catch a fish in the Pacific Ocean with an inch of dental floss (Matt Chandler Quotes)
Your approval before God is woven into the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, not what other men and women think about you (Matt Chandler Quotes)
If you’re a church person and not a Jesus person, my heart hurts for you. It’s like being engaged and never getting married. It’s miserable (Matt Chandler Quotes)
While the good news of the gospel may not appeal to everyone, the bad news of the gospel still applies to everyone (Matt Chandler Quotes)
Discipline will never bring about love for God, but love for God will bring about discipline (Matt Chandler Quotes)
God is awesome; he doesn’t need you to be awesome. He wants you to be obedient (Matt Chandler Quotes)
God is at work in the mess. That’s the message of the Bible. That’s why the Bible is not pretty. That’s why it’s grimy, because God is working in the mess. He’s working in the tears (Matt Chandler Quotes)
The work of God in the cross of Christ strikes us as awe-inspiring only after we have first been awed by the glory of God (Matt Chandler Quotes)
Our goal is transformed hearts that lead to transformed lives. Transformed lives do not lead to transformed hearts. Are you trackin’ with that? (Matt Chandler Quotes)
God does not regret saving you. There is no sin which you commit which is beyond the cross of Christ (Matt Chandler Quotes)
All ministry that is faithful and eventually fruitful finds its roots in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Matt Chandler Quotes)
If you’re not confident in the authority of the scriptures, you will be a slave to what sounds right (Matt Chandler Quotes)
The commands of God are given, not to rob me of joy, but lead me into the fullness of joy (Matt Chandler Quotes)
Faith doesn’t mean an absence of fear. It means facing fear and trusting that God’s goodness is greater (Matt Chandler Quotes)
Until Christ is our treasure, any other motivation we have to suffer for him is a fool’s errand (Matt Chandler Quotes)
In 10,000 years you will not regret anything you didn’t have or do in this life (Matt Chandler Quotes)
Why do we try so hard to make Jesus cool?! He doesn’t need a makeover (Matt Chandler Quotes)
When God saves you, he doesn’t do it because you gave him permission. He did it because he’s God (Matt Chandler Quotes)
Comfort is the God of our generation, so suffering is seen as a problem to be solved, and not a providence from God (Matt Chandler Quotes)
Every missionary I know is extraordinarily ordinary. Everything they do, they do by the grace of God (Matt Chandler Quotes)
There isn’t a violent soul on the planet that God might not save and transform for himself (Matt Chandler Quotes)