Matthew Hale Quotes

Text Quotes
Be frugal of your time. It is one of the best jewels we have (Matthew Hale Quotes)
The more business a man has to do, the more he is able to accomplish, for he learns to economize his time (Matthew Hale Quotes)
It is a sign that your reputation is small and sinking if your own tongue must praise you (Matthew Hale Quotes)
The more business one has, the more you are able to accomplish, for you learn to economize your time (Matthew Hale Quotes)
The vanity of loving fine clothes and new fashion, and placing value on ourselves by them is one of the most childish pieces of folly (Matthew Hale Quotes)
Laziness grows on people; it begins in cobwebs, and ends in iron chains. The more business a man has to do, the more he is able to accomplish; for he learns to economize his time (Matthew Hale Quotes)
Run not into debt, either for wares sold or money borrowed; be content to want things that are not of absolute necessity, rather than to run up the score (Matthew Hale Quotes)
The intellectual faculty is a goodly field, capable of great improvement, and it is the worst husbandry in the world to sow it with trifles and impertinences (Matthew Hale Quotes)
The intellectual husbandry is a good field, and it is the worst husbandry in the world to sow it with trifles (Matthew Hale Quotes)
The vanity of loving fine clothes and new fashions, and valuing ourselves by them, is one of the most childish pieces of folly that can be (Matthew Hale Quotes)